Took my son and a friend out caribou hunting. We floated about 4-5mi down a long chain of lakes. We found several large herds and a few stragglers.
First up... I shot this cow with my .300WSM. A 150yd shot is hardly stretching the legs. Through the onside shoulder and out the ribs. DRT. No bullet recovery which has been typical for the .300/180AB for me.

My friend Gary headed down the ridge to tackle another herd and left Evan and I on our perch. He made two great shots with his .338WM/ 180AB on a couple great cows. Never realized that it was 400+yards. We didn't get any photos because we were dealing with this.
A bull wandered out to where the cow had fell and seemed to be in no hurry to go anywhere. I asked Evan if he'd like to take him... perfect situation for a first big game animal. Nice bull, reasonable range, unalarmed critter, standing broadside out on the wide open tundra with no cover for well over a mile with Dad backing him up. He got prone and fired with his 7-08 and missed completely. I coached him to just breath, reload and calm down....the bull wasn't going anywhere. He did it all right and at the shot I saw a big tuft of hair explode from the bull's mane and he fell in his tracks. The little 140gr pill out of the 7-08 carbine did it's work.
The ridge in the background made a perfect spot to spot and shoot the animals on wide open basin.
First up... I shot this cow with my .300WSM. A 150yd shot is hardly stretching the legs. Through the onside shoulder and out the ribs. DRT. No bullet recovery which has been typical for the .300/180AB for me.

My friend Gary headed down the ridge to tackle another herd and left Evan and I on our perch. He made two great shots with his .338WM/ 180AB on a couple great cows. Never realized that it was 400+yards. We didn't get any photos because we were dealing with this.
A bull wandered out to where the cow had fell and seemed to be in no hurry to go anywhere. I asked Evan if he'd like to take him... perfect situation for a first big game animal. Nice bull, reasonable range, unalarmed critter, standing broadside out on the wide open tundra with no cover for well over a mile with Dad backing him up. He got prone and fired with his 7-08 and missed completely. I coached him to just breath, reload and calm down....the bull wasn't going anywhere. He did it all right and at the shot I saw a big tuft of hair explode from the bull's mane and he fell in his tracks. The little 140gr pill out of the 7-08 carbine did it's work.

The ridge in the background made a perfect spot to spot and shoot the animals on wide open basin.