
Thankful Otter

Oct 8, 2012
I have been mentoring a 12 yr old First Nations girl and last weekend she got her first Caribou

On company time and only allowed one post so let use this post to congratulate hodgeman and his son. Congratulations to you also Guy and everybody else who has had a successful hunt this year.

I was also asked if I knew the couple whose wife was killed by the grizzly. I did not. They are in the south and I am in the far North

I feel very sorry for them.

I do not have all the details but was a bit surprised that it made it through the window. Living in bear country somewhat dictates to us to always have the 45/70's very close and loaded. we do not have any young people in the house, so they are always at the ready whether we are inside or outside

Dr Mike

how is your season going ?

Thanks for the post and congratulations to the young hunter.

Thanks and congratulations to your student...there are few experiences more satisfying than seeing your mentee score.
yukon huntress":2srg0zua said:
Dr Mike

how is your season going ?

Not so good! I'm limping badly as the process for knee replacements has begun. I'm working on my handicap hunter permit so I can shoot from the truck. :wink: Still, I'm feeling good otherwise. Pain reminds me that I still have knees. :grin:

Congratulations to the young lady you mentored. That is great. I was mentoring a young man and young lady from one of the first nations in our AO. Tragically, I've been unable to get out with them due to my own disabilities this past month. If there is a modicum of healing, I'll be back out with them next month.
Nice to hear from you. Thanks for condolences. I have handicap card as well for parkig and hunting. I can also shoot legally from car. Motorcycle right knee and 21% lung capacity.
Great work Cheyenne! Way to keep them young hunters on the task! That is excellent.