Is there any real difference in load consistence between empty cases that weight on average 1.5 grams different? All trimmed within .1000 of each other.
I think the best way to sort brass is by capacity . sort brass that is fired and not resized . weigh the empty brass then fill it with water and weigh it again . this will give you the water capacity of that case . a while ago I weighed empty cases and then I measured case capacity , some of the heavier cases also had the highest water capacity .
Jim is right..... if you want to be a really really exact that is the way to do it. That said I never take the time to go that far. The things I've read say that in general case capacity goes up as cases get lighter. I'm simply not going to sit there and fill every case with water but I will take the time to sit them on my electric scale and look for weird stuff. If you have a pretty good balance beam scale you're probably loading to plus or minus 4 FPS. So usually if you have swings in extreme spread it's not your scale. But there are a lot of other things that can affect it.
I chronograph every shot at the range during load development and during practice. If I see a weird velocity I have a magic marker and i can mark that case and then try to sort it out later.
For my purposes I wouldn't sweat that small weight difference in cases unless I saw something on the chrono that made me want to sort things out.