CFE-223 & Nosler 55gn Varmegeddon - Great load


Nov 9, 2012
Just put some more of these together lastnight for my AR.

55gn Nosler Varmegeddon
26.5 grns of CFE-223 - Near max please work up
Lake City brass
CCI #400 Primers.

My AR will put 5 shots in one ragged hole at a 100 yards with this load.

Getting 3200 fps.

I love this powder, meters extremely well. Works great in my Savage .204 Ruger as well.

Trying to find more of this powder right now seems next to impossible tho.
Anybody found some in stock anywhere lately?



Sounds like a great load. Probably close to RL15 in burn rate? Might be excellent in the 308 as well?
I'm not sure if it is close to RL 15, but I have heard great things about it being used for 308 Win and 22-250.
Speed wise hodgdon and hornady both say cfe is a balls to walls performer in the 308!
Made a similar load for my daughters coyote rifle. Win brass, CCI primers, 26 grains CFE 223, 55 gr Vamageddon blems. She only shot 3 rounds but the bullet holes were touching. For my first actual .223 load I was pleasantly surprised and impressed. More importantly my princess thinks dad is pretty cool and seems to know what he's doing. (I got more fingers than times that's happened) Another Cool thing is she's had that Varmageddon poster on her wall since the awesome folks at Nosler sent it. Big thanks to my friends at Nosler and the powder cooks at Hodgon. I'm not gonna mess with this load too much.
Looks good, i have been wanting to try CFE 223.One day i will be able as soon as this mad rush settles down and supply catches back up to demand.Lee
I'm definitely a believer of CFE-223 & I haven't ran into any pressure issues yet, but I don't push the envelope too much. I load for accuracy, not max speed.

I just finished putting together a load with the 69gn Nosler Custom Competition bullet last night using CFE-223

I loaded 5 rounds each with 5 different charge weights

I have some range results soon..
