Changes in primers


Jan 4, 2009
Seasons greetings to all. I have been loading my 44 magnum pistols for some time and have no problems at all. But now I have a 44 magnum rifle {Henry}with a 20 inch barrel. The Unique powder will be to fast burning so I switched to 2400 powder. It was recommended in several articles and I will start 10% lighter and see how it goes. The question is primers, do I stick with large pistol or move over to large rifle? It may or may not make any difference whatsoever but I thought It would be good to ask The great knowledge pool on this site. Thank you very much. Neil
First let me say I don't have a 44 rifle but with my 44 pistol I use Std large pistol primers with low pressure loads and fast powder and use large pistol mag with full powder loads and ball powder. (W296) You ll obviously gain considerable velocity due to barrel length and using a slower powder but your case capacity and dimensions haven't changed. I wouldn't think a large rifle primer is necessary.

Just some thoughts. Good luck.
Definetly use the Large pistol primer, and large pistol magnum primer for H110 and win 296 loads. With 2400 I'm always used the large pistol standard primer.

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It does not matter what weapon you shoot a pistol cartridge like the 44 mag in you always use pistol primers. Exception is with some of the newer big bore 454, 500 calibers that because of their pressures use rifle primers.
With 2400 you will see some data that says to use Mag primes but Elmer Keith, the Father of the 44 mag always said to use standard primers with 2400 because he got better accuracy. I have used both and gotten good accuracy with both.
Wincheringen":2y80ogce said:
Large rifle primers are deeper that Large pistol primers so you'll have high primers if you try that.
Now we are getting somewhere, there were some occasional extraction issues { in a small test batch}and I kept telling myself that I was not seating the primers deep enough when all the time it was strictly physical differences. Now I know why I must stick with pistol primers. Thank you very much for turning the light on! Have a godd holiday. Neil