Cheyenne - Model 71 348 article

Europe":21zg0xcl said:
Blkram":21zg0xcl said:
Having owned and shot both the Browning Model 71 in 348 and BLR in 358, the 71 is a much finer firearm and a joy the shoot and the action is much stronger. The detraction is the tubular magazine requiring flat nose bullets and cannot easily mount a scope. The BLR is shorter, lighter and quicker handling, has a detachable magazine so spitzers can be used, and is easy to mount a scope on.while it great handling, it is not as strong or smooth of action. The 358 is easier to find ammo for, as Hornady has stepped up in Winchester's absence. The 348 is getting harder to come by, and thus much pricier. At a gunshow here on the weekend, they were asking $120/box for 348 ammo.

The 358 may have a slight edge in performance due to its ability to use spitzers, but most animals would never know the difference, especially when harvested at open sight ranges typically used by hunters hunting with these rifles.

I still have the BLR. Looking to replace the 71 one of these days.

Excellent comparison Gil. Very informative post for those thinking about getting one or the other

As already stated, I too would opt for the 358 and one of the main reasons today is because I need a scope to hunt, if I were hunting still. BUT, if anyone ever gets the opportunity to handle and shoot an original Win 71, you will understand. They not just look good, they feel good and the action is perfect. Cheyenne has her ammo hand loaded and I believe uses the bullet woodleigh makes for the 71.

longrangehunter and rodger also make good points and observations.

For those who were pushing the 35 Whelen, albeit, not in a productive way, let me answer it this way. Yes the 35 whelen is an excellent caliber, can be scoped, gives one more reach and easier to find ammo for. And for the record, not that you deserve my time, but Cheyenne and her husband do have other calibers, that will do the things your speaking of, like a 340 weatherby, 375 H& H, but your right to my knowledge she does not have a 35 Whelen, but if it would shut you up I would buy her one.
April it makes me wonder if these persons or person even own a 35 Whelen or if they are Woman enough to handle or shoot one.
lets come back--full circle

Thank you David

for the thread
for the offer to mail the magazine to Cheyenne
and now
it has produced a possible lead to a nice looking rifle

I actually know someone at the Moody Air Force Base in Ga, and my son is always wheeling and dealing for firearms and has handguns he might trade-----so hseII----maybe--thank;s for the heads up

salmon chaser , I have done that a few times, lol
Rodger, you may be right.
hseII":zlro6b37 said:

someone a lot smarter than I would have to make this decision for me. I have found them for sale from 8000 to 1500. Obviously condition has a lot to do with it and possibly the date manufactured, but in reading the descriptions of each one, I would need a lot more education about them than I have now

The reason this one had some interest for me was the willingness to "trade" plus you fellows have generated a curiosity.

HSELL, thanks for the heads up and David you created an interesting thread. Probably the thread has not gone exactly as you imagined but interesting none the less
Europe":9n9q6ojv said:
lets come back--full circle

Thank you David

for the thread
for the offer to mail the magazine to Cheyenne
and now
it has produced a possible lead to a nice looking rifle

I actually know someone at the Moody Air Force Base in Ga, and my son is always wheeling and dealing for firearms and has handguns he might trade-----so hseII----maybe--thank;s for the heads up

salmon chaser , I have done that a few times, lol
Rodger, you may be right.

I live in Carrollton, about 1 & 1/2 hrs away.

Cash is king on the ODT, & I’ll be glad to help get it to someone stateside if needed.
hseII":3iis5nen said:
6mm Remington":3iis5nen said:
truck driver":3iis5nen said:
I regret not having read the original response by Cheyenne and wish she didn't feel the need to pacify some of the idiots here that harass here threw PMs and not on the open forum. A true Coward hiding behind a key board.
If I knew who they were I would buy them a box of Baby pacifiers and send them to them since they haven't been weaned yet.

Having only owned one lever gun a Marlin 336 in 30-30 Win I can't speak of the virtues of the M71 or the BLR but I have always wanted a nice M88 Win and maybe someday I will find one.
That and/or a knot on their head. Only thing they might understand!

Your Starting to hit a little closer to home! [emoji38]

If She’s Paying For it, which she certainly is, she can buy & shoot whatever the smell she wants.

A .348 would be cool!
Wow, not this again!?! Why a person feels the need to shoot down someone just because they don’t share the same opinion(s), is a lady, a woman, or a young girl has the right to choose whatever they want! I'm sure whatever Cheyenne has in her hands, be it a .348 Winchester or a .375 H&H, she's more than capable of taking care of herself in true Wilderness without the small minded ego of someone barking from behind the comfort of their fancy house via the internet!

Man, if they want to go toe to toe with me I have a quote I'd like to share:

"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men! Blessed is he who in the name of charity and good will shepherds the weak through the valley of darkness, for he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children, I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who would attempt to poison and destroy my brothers, and you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee."

On a lighter note; I found April's and all the other women on here that their comment(s) speaks volumes to the subject matter here, or about their findings. I respect Cheyenne for her choices based on years of experience using the same firearms no matter what the cartridge is.

Ok, back to our regular scheduled programing!
Here is another fella that was fond of a .348 lever action rifle. Notice the
highly desirable "riding bolt peep". Cheyenne has got a proven performer
In the Model 71......
35 Whelen":311u4vli said:
Here is another fella ( a very young JOC )that was fond of a .348 lever action rifle. Notice the
highly desirable "riding bolt peep". Cheyenne has got a proven performer
In the Model 71......