Christmas in June!

Bob in TX

Dec 3, 2004
I drove up to Cameron, Texas on Saturday with my hunting partner to see Bob Wilkins at Wildlife Artistry Taxidermy. He had our Texas panhandle pronghorns and my two badgers from last fall ready!


The antelope on the left is from last season outside Dalhart, Texas.


I had shot badgers as targets of opportunity before, but had never called one in. Last fall I called in two within eight weeks in different counties. I had Bob do a full body mount and a pedestal mount.


Cool Bob! Just curious, did you call the badgers in with distress calls? I have yet to find one to shoot in the wild.

My buddy Antelope Sniper shot a coyote pup with me a couple weeks ago that had come in to munch on a freshly shot prairie dog. I guess we baited that one or he came to the call of 223 and 204. I have a distressed praire dog sound on my FoxPro. Maybe I ought to give that a try.
Yep, we were using distress sounds....rabbits to be exact. I use a FOXPRO, but we were calling with my partner's Minaska Bandit.



Beautiful mounts, congratulations on your trophies.

Yup,- they are pretty here too. :wink: Congrats again Bob. I showed the pics to my wife and got her thinking that maybe "his and hers" mounts would be OK. Now THATS a cool idea. CL
Yes, those are great looking mounts, they did a good job indeed on those mounts.
Wow! The pronghorns look great!

The badgers look like they need another bullet or two! :grin: Seriously, if one of those things was sitting over in the corner of my living room, I might just pop him again someday! At least with the airsoft gun... Good looking mounts.