Christmas List

6mm Remington":2mnuxoe6 said:
Charlie I hope they too understand and start to realize how you provided for them and how blessed they have been. I hope it turns around for you and your family.

Thank you, David. I hope so too.
Not sure it relates, but my sister was the same way with my Step Father(which was a very good man) and it's taken about 10 years for her to come around and realize what really was taking place when he was providing for us and raising us. I always saw it, but she never did. There is always hope Charlie. I hope it works out for you and I wish you a very Happy Holiday season.

For me, there are material things I could wish for, but most of all I wish for a continued smooth pregnancy for my wife. Had a scare or two early on, but things seem to be going along just perfect and I hope it stays that way.
.280 Remington":34lqid49 said:
For me, there are material things I could wish for, but most of all I wish for a continued smooth pregnancy for my wife. Had a scare or two early on, but things seem to be going along just perfect and I hope it stays that way.

I pray a safe delivery of a healthy child for you and your wife, Mike.
Mike, I have sufficient of the material things that I need in my old age. The comfort of knowing my two youngest children better would be the only thing that I would change if I could. They had a mother who was Bipolar and was very clever at making them believe that her suffering was somehow all my fault which of course it was not. Such is the reponsponsibility that you incur by unwittingly marrying a mentally ill person who has an attitude of assuming no responsibility and is cunning to boot.
DrMike":17m676yu said:
.280 Remington":17m676yu said:
For me, there are material things I could wish for, but most of all I wish for a continued smooth pregnancy for my wife. Had a scare or two early on, but things seem to be going along just perfect and I hope it stays that way.

I pray a safe delivery of a healthy child for you and your wife, Mike.

Yeah, man, I wish for that over any new Winchester...
I just hope it is a Healthy child and it loves Winchesters... I am pretty sure a care package with Winchester endorsed clothing and such would give it a good start too!
Thanks Fellers, and Scotty I'm not so sure that will happen. At least until he starts buying his own rifles............. :grin:
.280 Remington":1zdruipr said:
Thanks Fellers, and Scotty I'm not so sure that will happen. At least until he starts buying his own rifles............. :grin:

We will help him along, just so he doesn't have to go down that old beaten path as Dad.. No sense in the kid making the same mistakes! :lol:
SJB358":gdhjgicz said:
.280 Remington":gdhjgicz said:
Thanks Fellers, and Scotty I'm not so sure that will happen. At least until he starts buying his own rifles............. :grin:

We will help him along, just so he doesn't have to go down that old beaten path as Dad.. No sense in the kid making the same mistakes! :lol:

None made here :grin:
SJB358":3bsj4fea said:
I just hope it is a Healthy child and it loves Winchesters... I am pretty sure a care package with Winchester endorsed clothing and such would give it a good start too!

I certainly endorse this sentiment.
My kids never learned anything from my mistakes as I was considered too old and set in my ways to have a valid or valuable opinion on anything. So, they went out and made many of the same mistakes. Including marrying their mother (the worst mistake of all in many cases)!
My frivolous list would be:

1 - AR-15 flattop with 20" barrel
2 - Summit Goliath Treestand
3 - Nosler logo Blaze Orange ball cap