chronograph review

Was happy to read this about the CED, as that's what I've been using for years:

The CED M2 chronograph produced both; high accuracy and
high precision, averaging only 1.9 fps low, and having an SD of 2.0
fps. We’ll see how this result holds for the rest of the test, but this is
a good indication of the CED M2’s performance

And interestingly:

The average error for the CED M2 chronograph shows a clear
trend in relation to the horizontal location of shots across its sensor
window. Starting at the furthest right position (group 1) the average
error was only 1.9 fps which is very good. However, the next
group to the left (group 3) had an average error of 7.1 fps, a
difference of 5.2 fps. The group that was furthest to the left was
group 2, and the average error for that group was 10.2 fps. The
obvious trend of error getting worse as you move across the
shooting window is a clear indication of non parallel screens. I
suspect the flimsy hinged aluminum rail is to blame for this. It’s
also possible that the rail is fine, but the sensors are poorly aligned
internally. Either way, the average velocity measurement of the
CED M2 unit is noticeably different based on where you shoot thru
the screens. Bad as this might sound, the worse case scenario in th
is test was only 10.1 fps average error. That’s good enough to put
you within a click at 1000 yards on most trajectory predictions
which is not bad at all. The obvious sensitivity to where you shoot
thru the window surfaced during the testing, but keep
that in perspective when considering your intended use. I wouldn’t use a
CED M2 to make serious BC measurements, but its fine for shooters

The CED M2 can be considered the best value if price is a
concern. At only $200US, this unit provides accuracy and precision
which is adequate for all practical purposes. I wouldn’t use it for
serious ballistics analysis, but for developing loads and getting on
target, it’s a good value for the money. Investing in a solid rail
could be an easy upgrade to improve the performance of the CED

So, all in all I'm feeling pretty good about my decision to go with the CED, years ago.

Good article, THANKS for posting! (y)

I enjoyed reading it. Great info. Really looking for a Magneto Speed I think. Ease of use and set up has to be worth a little.
I agree Scotty! Looks like a good unit, using newer/different technology.

Oehler is of course a standard, and I think there are several regulars on our forum using the Oehler.

I'm glad you guys enjoyed it . there is a lot of info to read through . I thought it was very interesting and informative .

I thought the magneto speed would be a easy to use chrono . I'm concerned with POI changes while it's being used , he said it doesn't seem to be a problem . I never dreamed it would be so accurate , I'm very impressed .
SJB358":eryhayuq said:
I enjoyed reading it. Great info. Really looking for a Magneto Speed I think. Ease of use and set up has to be worth a little.

My issues are with muzzle brakes, pistols, possible group change do to barrel harmonics. Also I can not see it working with auto handguns.

Than again I might be wrong
FOTIS":l1r2p5iz said:
SJB358":l1r2p5iz said:
I enjoyed reading it. Great info. Really looking for a Magneto Speed I think. Ease of use and set up has to be worth a little.

My issues are with muzzle brakes, pistols, possible group change do to barrel harmonics. Also I can not see it working with auto handguns.

Than again I might be wrong

Yeah, I am not sure myself Fotis. I have a Shooting Chrony that I will keep for anything it doesn't work for. The others are a minority of most of my blasters.

From the few that I know who have them, group size hasn't been altered only POI which is acceptable, for my purposes. Most said it was a few inches. Just the ease of set up would make me a fan. At a local range where setting up a chrono is a PITA, a Magneto Speed could be strapped on.
Great read. I too have been looking to upgrade my shooting chrony. I have been looking at the magneto speed v3. I think It would work great for me.Lee
I have a Magneto Speed version 1 and my experience with it is as follows...

1.) It Does change the POI by anywhere from 2-6" depending on rifle, caliber, load, and the EXACT muzzle placement. If you mount it underneath the barrel it raises the POI the afore mentioned amount. I assume it would shift it right, left, and down with other orientations. OF course if it gets rotated out of exact 90 degrees you get a combination of shift.

2.) It doesn't fundamentally change the group sizes. Meaning a load that groups well without the chrono bayonet mounted is a good load and you can trust that it will group similarly at a different POI without the bayonet mounted. This is PROVIDED the bayonet mount DOESN'T shift on the barrel. If it does the groups are a meaningless because the POI changes per shot.

3.) I find it very difficult to get the bayonet tightened and keep it tight during shooting. Thus the bayonet tends to move out on the barrel during firing. See Point #2 above. Thus it is difficult in practice to get a good determination of relative accuracy and grouping potential. I have quit trying to do both accuracy and velocity testing at the same time. I fire different sequences with and without the bayonet mounted.

4.) The version 1 unit I have is getting some erosion of the front sensor platform from muzzle blast. I queried the company about this and they said it was unusual which I doubt although I do run a great many magnum loads over it including a 300 Weatherby. The company offered to install a metal guard on the bayonet if I sent it in. I haven't taken them up on it yet since I am busy using it. I have been repairing the leading edge with epoxy from time to time though in the meanwhile. The newest version 3 appears to have a metal blast guard on the bayonet from what the pictures I have seen.

5.) The micro-SD card makes it easy to transfer each session to your PC or tablet for recording and evaluation. Far easier than having to hook up extra cables etc...

6.) The unit is extremely easy to use and quick to setup. It is not dependent on ambient light level nor fooled by sharply angled light as in early winter morning sunrises. I have had only 2 instances where it missed recording shots. one where the bayonet has nearly come off the barrel and one instances when I had too thick a mount pad and it was too far off the bore centerline.

7.) All in all I am very pleased with the Magneto Speed. The easy of use, accuracy, data transfer, and general lack of hassle more than make up for having to fire separate shot strings for accuracy and velocity testing. One of the best of not The Best shooting accessories I have.
Partisan":3onb0i33 said:
.............3.) I find it very difficult to get the bayonet tightened and keep it tight during shooting. Thus the bayonet tends to move out on the barrel during firing. See Point #2 above. Thus it is difficult in practice to get a good determination of relative accuracy and grouping potential. I have quit trying to do both accuracy and velocity testing at the same time. I fire different sequences with and without the bayonet mounted.

This would be a deal breaker for me. :(
I have an Oehler 35 and a Shooting Chrony Gamma. When it is available, I hope to have a LabRadar. The video you posted is certainly impressive, Fotis.
It has got be the easiest setup EVER and not invasive to the firearm
Last week I was getting chrono readings when the light changed. I think it messed with my readings a bit. That's when I started thinking about the Magneto Speed chrony.

Partisan: Thank you for your through review. These are great things to know. It's better to learn from others than make mistakes and learn it on your own.
Fotis that new one almost seems to be a dream :roll:. I have been wIting for over 1 year & I still have nothing concrete about it other than it is almost ready to be distributed.
Have you heard anything new?

sask boy":139s2796 said:
Fotis that new one almost seems to be a dream :roll:. I have been wIting for over 1 year & I still have nothing concrete about it other than it is almost ready to be distributed.
Have you heard anything new?


Just got this today!

The radar is expected to be available for purchase in the very near future. The factory has not given me a firm date yet but we expect to have a date within the next week. We have passed all the required FCC testing etc. the only thing that remains is getting into full production. The first units will be sold in the US and Canada, followed by exporting a few months later. We will keep your contact information and will let you know when they are available. They will be available from our website and various local dealers whom we will publish when they have been shipped product to sell. You can also keep watching Facebook and our website for new information. View our YouTube video Retail pricing will be $559.95 USD.
I've been using an Oehler 35P for several years and couldn't be happier. I use the factory supplied 2' bar for convenience. Many of my handloads result in single digit SDs with an occasional SD of 1 or 2. This certainly gives you a lot of confidence in both the load and the chronograph.
While the Magnetospeed sure gave impressive results in the test and seems to be the most convenient chronograph to use; I just can't get too excited about any instrument that needs to be strapped to the muzzle of my firearms as I shoot.