Chronograph set up



What is the proper distance, muzzle to screens, for guns like 300 RUM, considering muzzle brakes as well? I hear a lot of variables. I set mine at 10ft. using the Chrony.

I've tried as close as 10', but in reality, I end up with muzzle blast affecting the chrony at that distance sometimes, so I usually move it out to about 15' if I have the room to do so.
Do you find any loss in velocity at 15ft. vs. 10ft. with that set up?

You will get more variation from temperature then you will those few feet.
I put mine where ever the ground is the most level, and it will set the best, around the end of my cord.
I've not noticed a huge drop, but then again, I've not compared the two distances on the same day with very many rounds, either. After a while, I just got to where I set the chronograph out at 15' most all the time just because I got tired after a couple of trips of having to wait for the range to go cold to move the chrony. You might lose 5-10fps over that length, but in reality you're going to have that much variation from one round to the next, I suspect.

All mine are set at twelve feet, unless I am doing ballistic work for Huskemaw. They request fifteen feet. It is easier to compensate for their dials in units of five.
Thanks you guys. Dr Mike I think I need to go out another 2ft. making it at least 12ft.

Twelve feet seems to be a minimum when I am shooting "heavies" (30-378, 7.82 Warbird, 300 RUM, etc.). Most ballistic programs will compensate to calculate muzzle velocity. For most situations, it is not a major concern to me; however, with the interest in long range shooting, the precision becomes more demanding as turrets are prepared.
Thank you, I will make the adjustments next range trip. Do you see any difference in velocity drop off @ 10-12 ft. or 12-15ft when extending the distance?

Any differences are insignificant and inconsequential. If compensation is required to build a precise turret, the calculation is readily available.
Appreciate the reply, thanks for your time today.
