Clean up Crew

Scavengers, without those birds the fields and forests would be a lot dirtier. I find it fascinating to watch them as they perform their duties. Thanks for posting.
I've never seen vultures and bald eagle together before. The eagle wasn't intimidated by all the rest. Dan.
Very cool video.
I've never seen bald eagles and turkey vultures together either.

Anyone else notice that scavengers like coyote and other vultures etc. will not touch a dead vulture?

When I still lived in Nevada, I would have to cross an railroad crossing that had no warning lights or any forms of signal. On day while on the way to work there was a dead vulture next to the tracks at the crossing. Bird must have just been clipped hard enough to kill it as it otherwise seemed undamaged. About three weeks later when my shifts rotated back to days I notice the bird was still there, more a pile of goo and feathers from decay but untouched otherwise. There were quite a few coyotes in the area and I've seen them close to where bird was but as far as I can tell they never went near it.
Paul B.