cleaning inside brass


Jan 1, 2006
I loaded some new remington brass. I polished them when i trimmed them all to same length, i do not have a tumbler. my question is this brass is still nice and polished up, when i go to reload how do i clean inside brass or do i have to. the look dirty inside, how do you guys clean the inside of brass....Thanks!

I tumble my brass and it still leaves the inside of the cases dirty. I use a nylon brush to lube the necks when sizeing and that`s about all the cleaning they get.
I wouldn`t worry too much about them.
Same as Ole Joe......I don't use a tumbler. though. I use an arbor and drill and 0000 steel wool. The only cleaning the inside gets is when I give the case a good rap on the bench to loosen and release any stuff that will come out.

I use a tumbler to polish my brass. No need to worry about the inside.
Just prep your case and load away.


JD338 wrote: "No need to worry about the inside. "

I have always felt the same way, however, I have wondered how much build-up there is on the inside of cases reloaded a number of times. New cases, of course, gleam back when a light is shown inside. Tumbled cases do not gleam inside. Therefore, what is building up and how much? Can build-up inside tumbled cases cause pressure changes?
You can swish them in vinegar for 15 minutes them rinse well in water and dry on
a towel. This will help clean out the inside and the primer pockets and shine up the
outside too. I chuck em in a drill with a lee holder and polish the outside with fine
steel wool. I do this on my hunting and target loads, but only occasionally on plinking
same here. i tumble with corn cob media and cap full of polishing liquid. i've never had any trouble or noticeable behavior by not cleaning the inside, but i throw mine out after 5 loadings. i wouldn't worry.
Just tumble them and you're done. you worry too much! :lol: