CO Elk Drawing Posted


Feb 24, 2006
Colorado DOW has posted the elk drawing results a little earlier than they had posted -
It was more of somthing to do rather than really want to, but I drew a 3rd choice 3rd season bull tag for area 39.
Altitude is a major factor there, so could potentially have to much snow to even go by then.
Looks like I had better dust off the RUM & put some glass on it..... :grin:
Yote -

Not yet. June third I belive it said - you're correct elk came out sooner then they stated.
Congratulations on drawing elk. Trust that you have weather that permits a hunt in that area. You'll certainly have enough umph with the RUM.

This paticular area is the only reason I have the RUM. Large calibers never have been my thing, but the darn wind blows so hard up there, it's nice to have the horsepower to get-r-done !

The pic is what we generally see mid-October up there, my tag is Nov 6th so I'll just keep my fingers crossed. The road is roughly 11K - immediately behind the Mtns in the background are two 14K peaks.

That is an awesome picture of a beautiful area. That looks as if it could have been taken not too far up the Alaska Highway from where I live. Looking at that picture, I can see the mule deer, caribou, elk, moose, black bear and girzzlies moving out of the timbered areas and across the valleys. Higher up on the mountains I know there are stone sheep and goats. I do love the high regions. They are desolate looking, but game rich. You are correct in wanting something with real horsepower in an area like that.
Powerstroke, We will be waiting to hear about the hunt.

Dr.Mike, Which helicopter service do you call to get them out after you make the shot? :lol:
Which helicopter service do you call to get them out after you make the shot?

Sometimes it can be a loooong walk. Generally, one can get to these areas on horseback or with a quad. There has been a lot of mining throughout the years and rough trails exist, at least to the base of the mountains.
powerstroke, thanks for the info. My two buddies and I got lucky and drew 1st season Elk in an area outside Oak Creek, CO. The season is starting a week later this year due to the way the calendar dates have fallen. Probably no bugling but hopefully some snow on the ground.

Congratulations on the bull tag! The 300 RUM will work well!

Got a cow tag for unit 18 and I'll get leftover bull tag 1st season My wife and I drew buck tags on 24hr they posted how to check we put in for 3 or 4th so won't know which season until they get officially posted.