Colorado is now being boycotted for the Govs actions........

There must be consequences to the actions of legislators. Apparently, the electorate is unwilling to punish them because they keep electing them.
Very unfortunate for guide services and sporting goods dealers and such but it is a message that needs to be sent to the state loud and clear.
Colorado is on my DEAD List.
Because of the actions of the legislators I will not be hunting elk in CO in two years.
This is really sad. I used to live in Utah when the mule deer hunting was bad, I would buy a NR License for Colorado or Wyoming. Small towns around Grand Junction, (Grand Mesa) make a large portion of their annual income from outfitters buying stuff and non residents spending money for supplies, whatever. Now all of that was flushed for Political Expedience and political agenda of the Governor and Michael Bloomberg! Mayor Bloomberg spent a lot of money forwarding his agenda at the expense of the People of Colorado. I would be looking to tar and feather that mayor!!! Let him fix the trash under his rug in New Yawk!
Glad my trusty faithful guide lives in WY

The talk around the gun club is about how many local hunters will NOT be going to CO for hunting or a family vacation. One guy I know very well told me that 2 different outfitters have called him more than once, offering reduced costs for a hunt.

They can see the writting on the wall.
I think that it is important to hold fast on the boycott of Colorado as well. Their politicians with the money of Michael Bloomberg of New Yawk made this happen. Those bastard politician's need to feel some heat and pain so the next state won't sell out to Nannie Bloomberg and will consider their own citizens next time before they sell their own state down the river for some eastern politician's ambitions! Nannie Bloomberg will be nowhere to be found to help pay the damage when the State of Colorado has to make up this lost income and tourism dollars!
In fact, I'm sad to say I may have to stop doing business with many of my favorite companies. Colorado is easy, as there are few companies with whom I have a direct buying relationship, or a traceable indirect buying relationship. But NY? Well, there's B&H Photo, Cameraland NY, and a few others that will be difficult to give up. I was planning to take my wife to Manhattan for a short vacation sometime in the next couple of years. I'll be damned if I step foot in that place. I'd quit going to IL if I could get away with it, but family in Champaign and work in Chicago forces me to go there. I won't go to CA, either, nor will I buy from CA companies. I'm making a list and keeping it handy. It's more expensive for sure to buy from some other sources, but freedom has never been free, and it's not about to start being so now.
I too have mixed feelings about the boycott. On the one hand I feel we need to speak with our wallets and let them know we are upset about our 2nd amendement right be trampled, on the other hand if we dont hunt we risk closing down alot of small outfitter and hunting supply business and in a tangential way PETA and the left win again. Hopefully, this problem is short lived and they can swing the power in an election soon
Good for you, dubyam. I have a list of firms with which I don't do business. In my case, however, I'm already paying a premium for anything manufactured in the USA just because of transportation and import fees. Still, there are some products that are on my personal banned list.
trsmith1818":39u8loqx said:
I too have mixed feelings about the boycott. On the one hand I feel we need to speak with our wallets and let them know we are upset about our 2nd amendement right be trampled, on the other hand if we dont hunt we risk closing down alot of small outfitter and hunting supply business and in a tangential way PETA and the left win again. Hopefully, this problem is short lived and they can swing the power in an election soon

I don't think PETA and the left win, when they ultimately go bankrupt and cannot support their welfare state. The people of CO will either figure out which side their bread gets buttered on, or they'll starve after they have no more bread. I am sorry for the outfitters and small businesses which rely on tourism commerce for their respective livings, but I can't in good conscience support this sort of trampling of a clearly recognized, God-given, natural right. Were this the 1st, 4th, or 5th amendment being trampled, the whole nation would be outraged. I'm outraged that the nation is so ready, and stupid, to give up the one right which guarantees the remainder continue to be recognized. I won't allow my hard earned dollars to support such garbage.
trsmith1818":1kcb11ur said:
I too have mixed feelings about the boycott. On the one hand I feel we need to speak with our wallets and let them know we are upset about our 2nd amendement right be trampled, on the other hand if we dont hunt we risk closing down alot of small outfitter and hunting supply business and in a tangential way PETA and the left win again. Hopefully, this problem is short lived and they can swing the power in an election soon

The local businesses are going to suffer anyhow but if we make it short and back this crap down now and turn their own money against these idiots, we may win without a bloody revolution
I fail to understand the reasoning that I am reading in many of the posts. Punishing the folks who believe in what you believe in just because they live in a state where the elected officials are POS's makes no sense. These folks--guides, outfitters, etc--are "us." They are the RMEF, Mule deer foundation, DU, NRA, Gun Owners of America and the list goes on. Kicking these guys, our brothers, in the crotch is completely wrong. These folks believe the same as we do. These folks are the people fighting the good fight working hard to try to maintain their gun rights and hunting rights.

Bloomberg doesn't give a crap whether any of us go hunting in Colorado and probably prefers that less of us visit there anyway. Maybe Hinckenpooper doesn't care either.

I for one, will continue to hunt in Colorado as the opportunity arises. Last November, when my cousin and I hunted up by Craig, we had a great trip and met several people, people who love to hunt and shoot.

As for "the electorate is unwilling to punish them because they keep electing them," if we look at the voting demographics for each of the states and their subsequent counties, etc., we will quickly see that all of these areas are controlled by the big cities. California is controlled by the bay area/San Diego. Oregon is controlled by Portland. I for one don't vote for these fools. But, unfortunately I live here in Ca and don't see leaving in my immediate future.

On this we will have to agree to disagree.

If enough folks are hurt by their politician's folly then we will see a change. I for one am tired of spending my hard earned money in political entities that don't support the things I do. I vote with my wallet. Yes, some folks just like me will be hurt but someone is always going to be "hurt" no matter what you do.

It's because we, gun owners and hunters, haven't made others suffer the consequences of their actions in the past that we are in the mess we are in today. Gun owners have suffered enough as a whole. For the record, I boycott CA too and have for years.
Runtohunt: I disagree. You are right about one thing only: Bloomberg does not care about anything but forwarding his agenda. This is no different than Big Gulps but the thing is HickenStupor only cares about his hair being perfectly groomed and his reputation as a politician to be feared! The only way to tear him down is to have his own state recall him as we did with Gray in Californiate. The only way to do that (remove him) is to make the entire state suffer the consequences of electing this idiot!

The Califorideviata who have moved to Colorado and ruined it for everyone who lived there before need to be taught a lesson in Civics! The only way to teach Liberals and Progressives anything is through their Pain Response! They are too stupid to learn anything because they already know everything!

Runtohunt: You go to Colorado, spend money to hunt and act like everything is fine and you become one of them by supporting Hickenstupor! People like you will sell out the entire movement of protecting our gun rights from Nanny Bloomberg and King Pinocchio! Keep this up and you will have to "Flyfartohunt", like Russia (LOL)!