Contender fun


Apr 5, 2014
I bought a 14" 44 Mag Contender barrel off eBay. I put the scope on it yesterday evening and hit the bench today just to make some noise.

1st three shots at 20 yards with some what I believe to be some 180 grain Remington JHP ammo my father had loaded years ago.

Adjusted the scope a bit and moved out to 50 yards

Adjusted the scope again and shot three more

Granted I'm not the best pistoleros in the world but I find this somewhat encouraging for a first try and am looking forward to loading some 240’s in the near future. Might be fun to try this on a deer if I can get close enough.
I forgot I'd loaded these a while back. 1st attempt with this load. I think I got lucky.
Looks like your TC is a shooter. Give the 240 gr bullets a try. They shot better for me than the 180 gr or 200 gr bullets in my S&W 629 Classic.

I've got a bunch of 240 bullets I'm looking to try soon. What's your go to powder with these?
I've got a 629 and a Ruger convertible but I'm lucky to hit the end of the barrel with a revolver without a scope. I haven't done a lot of shooting with the Contenders but I always enjoy it when I do. Just not enough free time for all the toys.
It is nice to stumble onto a sweet load once in a while. Congratulations. Yeah, I'd say that Contender is a shooter, for sure.
I think you and that Contender are going to make venison, if you want to.
Alderman":jao15s40 said:
I've got a bunch of 240 bullets I'm looking to try soon. What's your go to powder with these?
I've got a 629 and a Ruger convertible but I'm lucky to hit the end of the barrel with a revolver without a scope. I haven't done a lot of shooting with the Contenders but I always enjoy it when I do. Just not enough free time for all the toys.

H110 is the powder for the 44 Rem Mag.
