95gr VLD can't hit paper out of a 1:8 6CM

Yeah, I'm still scratching my head on this as well. There's a first for everything, I guess.
Most of us in this industry try to pay it forward...

Might I suggest, if you haven't already, give the fine folks @ Berger a call and explain what you've experienced with complete detail. The rifle itself and then what has shot well to of course the Berger that is completely missing the target.

I say pay it forward because I'm sure they'd like to hear of this issue and the lot#...etc etc....
PLUS...It might help another shooter in the future with such a phenomena you've experienced
Most of us in this industry try to pay it forward...

Might I suggest, if you haven't already, give the fine folks @ Berger a call and explain what you've experienced with complete detail. The rifle itself and then what has shot well to of course the Berger that is completely missing the target.

I say pay it forward because I'm sure they'd like to hear of this issue and the lot#...etc etc....
PLUS...It might help another shooter in the future with such a phenomena you've experienced

Thats not a bad thought. I certainly wasn't bashing Berger, I shoot a lot of their bullets. It was more of just trying to see if anyone else had ever seen anything like that with any bullet. I hadn't.
Thats not a bad thought. I certainly wasn't bashing Berger, I shoot a lot of their bullets. It was more of just trying to see if anyone else had ever seen anything like that with any bullet. I hadn't.
I completely understood and wasn't accusing you of any ill slander toward those folks.

They do take pride in their product and the more shooters the merrier. Thus if an issue arises like yours I know they'd love to hear about it, note it, correspond with you plus a possible remedy if possible.

Mark my words if it happen to you it's only a matter of time until someone else is chasing their tail...

Maybe they had a bad batch slip out the door but I'd definitely pass it along.

Good shooting brotha
Just a thought here, maybe you know someone locally that could load a few of those up and see how they group out of their gun. Not sure what twist they need for them but it could give you some answers.