Couple coyotes over the weekend


Nov 17, 2005
Went out to Jmad's over the weekend saturday night through monday come to think of it. Seen lots of coyotes. Missed more then I got, but thats usually the case isn't it?? However, I did manage to get 2 of them.

Shot this one sunday morning about 200 yards. He came out of a gravel pit and stopped broadside. 243 w/55g nbt at 3750fps put him out, DRT. Hit him behind the shoulder and it exited the offside shoulder about 1" hole. This was also my 100th coyote!!


Shot this one saturday night about 100 yards. He was trotting when I let him have a 55g NBT. Ruined his day as well, fur flew and he was DRT.


Last 4 coyotes I've killed with the 243/55g nbt combo, only 1 has exited. Most have left a pretty good size entrance hole, while throwing the fur, they've all been DRT though so far, so good...I am about to run out though and I will then be using some 58g vmax and some 55g BK's to try out on a few.

Nicely done my friend. Congratulations on yote #100. Looks like the 55 gr BT is working well in your 243 Win.

A hundred coyotes! You ain't no rookie! Congratulations. Those are a couple of fine looking 'yotes. The second picture looks as if the fur is very good.
Nice shooting, I think I may have to save and get one of those Stevens rifles. You guys have a lot more snow down there than we do.

I whacked one sat morning while Remingtonman was at work with a 55 BT out of my 243. At 200 yards hit it just behind the shoulder and left a hole that I could of put a football through sideways :shock: and the base exited. DRT!

Congrats on the 100 dogs bud!
Couple of fine looking dogs! Congrats on #100. I'm hoping to get out to go shoot some yotes on the in-laws farm this weekend. It's been too long.....
Good shooting we got make a dent in them as they are getting way to much upland game.

100 yotes, man you've helped keep the deer population intact. That is impressive. I think I may be 1 shy of 10, unless you count a couple that I found with a bumper.....

Thanks guys.

Well I shot my first coyote in 2000, so its taken almost 10 years to shoot those 100 coyotes, lol. I've missed probly 2-3x that many easy as well...Real good practice though.

Our mule deer population has really went downhill the last 5-6 years. Dont really know the cause?? Seems I'm not killing enough dogs...I'd like to kill 500 before I die.
Bud I'm pretty sure you can do that pretty easy! I'm working on a friend to try to let us hunt his place this weekend. It has only been hunted once in the last few years! Last time I was out there I called in five in one set!
Shot this, yote after work today. There were several of them running around for a few weeks, but they overstayed their welcome coming in the yard and very close to the cattle.
I missed a few shots trying to shoot around buildings and equipment, but managed to stay upwind and get into a shooting position with them crossing the pasture leaving. This one looked over it's shoulder while I was aiming....... and the bee stings... 200 yds neckshot. Was aiming high shoulder low neck and connected square with the mid neck about 1.5" high of where I was aiming.


Nice job on the yote !

I missed one Sunday early a.m. - still having flashbacks trying to figure out how.... was laying down prone off the harris bi-bod- he was 80yds standing still facing me :evil: was his luck day I guess.
Congrats on your 100th Yote buddy! That is awesome. Looks like that little Stevens is getting a great work out! Scotty
I thought I hit him square, but only caught about a third of the spine and had about a 2.5" wound and massive spinal damage internally from bone sharpnel. Found that out when I pelted it.
It's been about 10 years since I pelted anything. This is one of the first I haven't caught with a deer rifle of at least 6.5mm or 7mm, so one of the first that wasn't destroyed.
There was a pair and I only scared the other one. I have missed three on the yard over the past few weeks, this one I hit first shot and I only got 1 sho off at the other one.
