Crazy gun nut hoarders...

I have 2 friends that work for DHS in different departments..... they are allocated training/practice ammo monthly.

Goofy thing about it is..... once issued... zero accountablility. No turning if of brass, anything.

They get 40S&W, 12 ga 00Buck and if they are in the right spot and lucky... 5.56mm.

Word is... 5.56 is the rarest to get for training/practice.

And not to inflame anything, but I've seen articles out of InfoWars that were inflated compared to other articles concerning the same subject. They have been known to add a zero or two to the back end of counts to make it seem more severe then actually happening.
Im just wondering if th fed is buying 1.5 billion cartridges just to create shortages? This is just the wacky bassackwards and unpredictable type of thing that Obama would do to confuse people as to his motives and intentions!
It would not be above a progressive politician, like obama and his minions, to create a crisis to further the socialist agenda IMHO.