Being a current owner of a Weatherby Vanguard Series 1 rifle, it made it a bit easier to evaluate this product. In addition this is the second Weatherby Vanguard Series 2 rifle that I have had the pleasure of receiving brand new and assisting in barrel break-in. (Calibers 30-06 and 7mm-08)
View attachment Weatherby Vanguard Series 2 7mm-08.jpg
The Weatherby Vanguard Series 2 rifle 7mm-08 Remington in Matte Blue lists for a msrp of $599.00, but many places are currently selling this rifle for approximately $469.00. + tax. There are a few different possible models (Youth, Stainless, carbine where price may differ accordingly) The local stores might not have the caliber desired but fortunate for us (Wife and I), even though Sportsman's Warehouse did not have the 7mm-08 Remington rifle in stock, they placed a special order to the manufacturer and we received our brand new 7mm-08 Remington in approximately 8 business days. This was great customer service.
The Sportman's Warehouse tech brought out the newly received unopened box rifle. Box looked in perfect condition so someone did their job in shipping, handling and receiving. The SW tech opened the box in front of me carefully like he was opening packaged cystal glassware. Very professional. After unpacking the rifle and the bolt, the SW tech offered me the rifle to first inspect without the bolt and then allowed me to place the bolt into the receiver.
Upon inspecting the new rifle, the fit and finish was impeccable. This is the second Vanguard Series 2 I have received and inspected and these rifle's conditions are literally perfect. The medium gray color is a little different than how the web site shows the gray stock so make sure you go to a store that has one of these rifles in stock to see the actual color. The color will grow on you after a few short handlings. I now believe this color is premium!
It appears all Weatherby Vanguard Series 2 spec out the same with a nice 24" barrel, monte carlo stock with the new gryptonite pistol grip and forend inserts, and right side palm swell (aids shooter comfort and control). This is a definite working feature over the previous Series 1 model and is a bonus compared to other rifle manufacturer's rifles in this class. The rifle is a bit heavier than others ranging from 7 1/4 to 7 1/2 pounds depending on model (Remember a little extra weight helps in recoil displacement). Also total length is between 44" and 44 1\2" depending on model as well. I personally have never seen the huge big deal on weight differences between rifles that are 6 3/4 and 7 1/2 pounds. Hunting and hiking at 11,000 feet up and down the mountains, I can not tell the difference. The rifle exists, that is all I know. I am a little bigger than some though so ... :grin: All together the fit & finish, the weight balance, the cosmetic appearance is a dramatic "YES" in my book. The rifle also comes with very nicely written and informative documentation for your new rifle and a key trigger cable lock.
The bolt action is very nice. True I have seen and felt better, but go to a gun shop and try some of the other manufacturer's bolt actions. Some will make one say "Geesh how can they sell this?" The safety was a little stiff and difficult to switch at first, but after a day of "F, U, and S" it became easier to move. The recoil pad is a nice recoil pad. I shoot a 338 Win Mag so I am not sure how well this works compared to others in a 30-06 and a 7mm-08 but it is a quality recoil pad nevertheless.
The Trigger - here is where this new Vanguard Series 2 blows away the former model and actually equals or supercedes other manufacturers models. The two stage trigger is exceptional, shot after shot. It stays crisp and clean and intentional everytime. The first stage really lets the shooter know where that trigger is in the squeeze motion. Second stage is a light 3 pounds out of the box and can be set to 2.5 if wanted. You squeeze and the rifle goes boom. No sear crawl or creep movement in between. If you have a "not so good" trigger in past rifles, you will understand and appreciate immediately how this rifle's trigger will assist you in better group placement. The trigger component also includes the new 3 position safety. I like that and you might well too. Just for the record, now I really have to go get a Timney trigger in my Series 1. Quality and performance between the Series 1 and the Series 2 is really "night and day".
I decided to not only run a few dry patches or quick clean down the tube before firing, but went an extra mile and actually performed a full thorough clean. Sure enough, there was light fouling and copper. I remedied that quickly. I am thinking that every rifle goes through a fire test at the factory? Not absolutely sure though.
Weatherby states this new Series 2 model offers the following: "Weatherby® Vanguard® Series 2 rifles are guaranteed to shoot a 3-shot group of .99" or less at 100 yards (SUB-MOA) when used with specified Weatherby® factory or premium ammunition." We are all always apprehensive with these accuracy guarantees but I am testifying, both Series 2's that I have broke in, shot even a tad better than .99 out of the box with over the counter ammo. The 30-06 was using Federal 180gr blue box (Wally World Ammo) shot just over .91 consistently and the 7mm-08 was tested with Federal Fusion 140 gr. shooting just under .88 and with basic Sierra 120 gr handloads, this 7mm-08 Series 2 was shooting under .798 and a few groups less than .730 and that is without even really trying and during barrel break-in. I feel very confidant that this rifle can perform 1/2" or smaller groups at 100 yards with just a tiny bit of reloading work. I had called Weatherby and asked what was really meant by "premium ammunition". The tech I spoke with stated the ammo just had to be a premium manufacturer and not some ammo purchased from a company out of a country known for non-quality or WWII reserves. In other words, probably one of the Winchester, Federal, Nosler or other reputable company's products would perform as stated. From my range testing, the box does not have to state "Premium" for the performance to be proven. We all know depending on the particular rifle, not every type of reputable ammo will perform but there is a good chance many reputable over the counter ammos will. This is a bonus for someone who does not reload or just wants to shoot over the counter for this one rifle.
One confusing thing is the paper guarantee document still reflects the wording for "1 1/2 group" out of the box. An extremely minor thing.
Anyone want a first class rifle with quality workmanship and performance, absolutely look no further. This Weatherby Vanguard Series 2 rifle will not disappoint. Do yourself a good research favor and visit the Weatherby site and review all what the rifle has to offer. You will be impressed.
View attachment Weatherby Vanguard Series 2 7mm-08.jpg
The Weatherby Vanguard Series 2 rifle 7mm-08 Remington in Matte Blue lists for a msrp of $599.00, but many places are currently selling this rifle for approximately $469.00. + tax. There are a few different possible models (Youth, Stainless, carbine where price may differ accordingly) The local stores might not have the caliber desired but fortunate for us (Wife and I), even though Sportsman's Warehouse did not have the 7mm-08 Remington rifle in stock, they placed a special order to the manufacturer and we received our brand new 7mm-08 Remington in approximately 8 business days. This was great customer service.
The Sportman's Warehouse tech brought out the newly received unopened box rifle. Box looked in perfect condition so someone did their job in shipping, handling and receiving. The SW tech opened the box in front of me carefully like he was opening packaged cystal glassware. Very professional. After unpacking the rifle and the bolt, the SW tech offered me the rifle to first inspect without the bolt and then allowed me to place the bolt into the receiver.
Upon inspecting the new rifle, the fit and finish was impeccable. This is the second Vanguard Series 2 I have received and inspected and these rifle's conditions are literally perfect. The medium gray color is a little different than how the web site shows the gray stock so make sure you go to a store that has one of these rifles in stock to see the actual color. The color will grow on you after a few short handlings. I now believe this color is premium!
It appears all Weatherby Vanguard Series 2 spec out the same with a nice 24" barrel, monte carlo stock with the new gryptonite pistol grip and forend inserts, and right side palm swell (aids shooter comfort and control). This is a definite working feature over the previous Series 1 model and is a bonus compared to other rifle manufacturer's rifles in this class. The rifle is a bit heavier than others ranging from 7 1/4 to 7 1/2 pounds depending on model (Remember a little extra weight helps in recoil displacement). Also total length is between 44" and 44 1\2" depending on model as well. I personally have never seen the huge big deal on weight differences between rifles that are 6 3/4 and 7 1/2 pounds. Hunting and hiking at 11,000 feet up and down the mountains, I can not tell the difference. The rifle exists, that is all I know. I am a little bigger than some though so ... :grin: All together the fit & finish, the weight balance, the cosmetic appearance is a dramatic "YES" in my book. The rifle also comes with very nicely written and informative documentation for your new rifle and a key trigger cable lock.
The bolt action is very nice. True I have seen and felt better, but go to a gun shop and try some of the other manufacturer's bolt actions. Some will make one say "Geesh how can they sell this?" The safety was a little stiff and difficult to switch at first, but after a day of "F, U, and S" it became easier to move. The recoil pad is a nice recoil pad. I shoot a 338 Win Mag so I am not sure how well this works compared to others in a 30-06 and a 7mm-08 but it is a quality recoil pad nevertheless.
The Trigger - here is where this new Vanguard Series 2 blows away the former model and actually equals or supercedes other manufacturers models. The two stage trigger is exceptional, shot after shot. It stays crisp and clean and intentional everytime. The first stage really lets the shooter know where that trigger is in the squeeze motion. Second stage is a light 3 pounds out of the box and can be set to 2.5 if wanted. You squeeze and the rifle goes boom. No sear crawl or creep movement in between. If you have a "not so good" trigger in past rifles, you will understand and appreciate immediately how this rifle's trigger will assist you in better group placement. The trigger component also includes the new 3 position safety. I like that and you might well too. Just for the record, now I really have to go get a Timney trigger in my Series 1. Quality and performance between the Series 1 and the Series 2 is really "night and day".
I decided to not only run a few dry patches or quick clean down the tube before firing, but went an extra mile and actually performed a full thorough clean. Sure enough, there was light fouling and copper. I remedied that quickly. I am thinking that every rifle goes through a fire test at the factory? Not absolutely sure though.
Weatherby states this new Series 2 model offers the following: "Weatherby® Vanguard® Series 2 rifles are guaranteed to shoot a 3-shot group of .99" or less at 100 yards (SUB-MOA) when used with specified Weatherby® factory or premium ammunition." We are all always apprehensive with these accuracy guarantees but I am testifying, both Series 2's that I have broke in, shot even a tad better than .99 out of the box with over the counter ammo. The 30-06 was using Federal 180gr blue box (Wally World Ammo) shot just over .91 consistently and the 7mm-08 was tested with Federal Fusion 140 gr. shooting just under .88 and with basic Sierra 120 gr handloads, this 7mm-08 Series 2 was shooting under .798 and a few groups less than .730 and that is without even really trying and during barrel break-in. I feel very confidant that this rifle can perform 1/2" or smaller groups at 100 yards with just a tiny bit of reloading work. I had called Weatherby and asked what was really meant by "premium ammunition". The tech I spoke with stated the ammo just had to be a premium manufacturer and not some ammo purchased from a company out of a country known for non-quality or WWII reserves. In other words, probably one of the Winchester, Federal, Nosler or other reputable company's products would perform as stated. From my range testing, the box does not have to state "Premium" for the performance to be proven. We all know depending on the particular rifle, not every type of reputable ammo will perform but there is a good chance many reputable over the counter ammos will. This is a bonus for someone who does not reload or just wants to shoot over the counter for this one rifle.
Anyone want a first class rifle with quality workmanship and performance, absolutely look no further. This Weatherby Vanguard Series 2 rifle will not disappoint. Do yourself a good research favor and visit the Weatherby site and review all what the rifle has to offer. You will be impressed.