Crimping 280AI and others....


Oct 18, 2017
Hey all, are there any thoughts pro or con on using a Lee crimping die on a bullet without a cannelure? I have read pros and cons as well be careful and don’t ever do it. I am not using dies with bushings, just the standard hornady die set.

The only cartridges I crimp are 44 Rem Mag and 45-70. The 44 because I load H110 and a heavy roll crimp is recommended. The 45-70 (44 Rem Mag too) are shot in Marlin lever action tube magazines. Everything else, including the big magnums, 338 RUM and 416 Wby, are not crimped.

I've always had good results with just plain old Hornady seating dies. The only time I crimp is loading bullets with a cannelure.
I use them and like them a lot.
223rem, 22-250, 3006: 300WSM.
I haven’t tried them on anything bigger.

In pistol, I use it on 44’s and 357/38’s.

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I also only crimp for my 45/70 lever gun. Used to for a couple of pistol cartridges but got rid of them. I don't believe its necessary , and after 60 years of reloading for multiple cartridges still see no need. Just my .02
I would ask why crimp them? Only thing I can think of is to have more consistent neck tension, maybe.

I crimp revolver and auto loader ammo along with my lever gun stuff but never saw it help or hurt my rifle stuff. Tried it a bit and nothing really changed. It will help with neck tension if that is a problem though.
I have crimped with the Lee die on rounds that were neck sized and had light neck tension. That was with a 7mm-08. With full length resizing, I dont think its necessary but I cant say at this point if it helps, hurts or indifferent.