Cutting a sized case?


Dec 2, 2010
I would like to split/cut the necks on a 30-06, 223, and 22-250 case so I can put a bullet in and then measure the OAL of my rifles. I do not have a Dremel Power tool so what else could I use to do this? Thanks
If you just have to cut one, a hacksaw with a really fine blade, or better yet a coping saw will work fine.
Use a fired case and expand the neck slight with a slightly larger expander ball if absolutely necessary. I find, however, that using a once fired case and slightly crimping the neck gives sufficient pressure to hold the bullet without restricting its movement when chambering the round.
I was replying in a hurry earlier, but Dr. Mike is right. A once fired case with a crimp in the neck, or even a quarter-neck-sized case, would work just fine.