Dad's 700.


Work, load, shoot, hunt, repeat
Apr 19, 2022
When I was hunting as kid I used to look up at my Dad carrying his 700 30-06, he was my hero back then.
My chores were to do brass prep so we could load when he got home from work.
When he passed away my brother got his rifle, cut the stock down and rebarrel it for his young kids. A noble thing to do but my dad's rifle was gone forever.

Last month I was reminiscing about him and that beautiful rifle. I was looking for something unrelated on ebay and stumbled upon a 1981 BDL 700 walnut stock WITH THE BRASS PIN! Got for $250. Immediately ordered a 700 30-06 SPS for $516. Bedded the stock with MarineTex and added a VX6 3-18 scope. Man am I happy.
I got lucky, this is the most accurate 700 factory barrel I've ever owned, almost 100% lug contact, and the action is timed smooth as silk. Surprisingly this 700 has a 5r rifled barrel and a Timney trigger instead of that awful x-marks pro.
This is 200 yards from a bull bag.
168 Bergers with 57gr Reloder 16 at 2920 fps.20231114_193821~2.jpg
Looks like you got yourself a shooter.

Did you take the time to float the barrel or is that all with the contact points intact?
Looks like you got yourself a shooter.

Did you take the time to float the barrel or is that all with the contact points intact?
The barrel actually floated during trial fitting pre-bedding. I left two spots of the wood un touched when I ground out for the epoxy, I (installed 3/8 stainless steel tubing for pilars while I was at it.)
I wrapped three wraps of electrical tape around the barrel to center it and to insure clearance as the bedding set.
Looks like Remington sure has turned it around with the quality of their rifles. Really nice way to blend the new with a really nice old stock as a tribute to your dad. Looks and shoots great so you have yourself a keeper!
I was thinking the same thing. Was in one of my favorite powder supply shops in Pa the other day and they had quite a number of CDL's and BDL's and man, they were nice and that takes alot for me to say!

I think another great thing, is almost all of them had the twist stamped on the barrel which is something every maker should be doing. If there had been a 7 Rem Mag with a 1-8 barrel on it, I might of snagged it just to build a PRC killer :cool:
Those 1 in 8 twist 7mm RM's sure are nice.

Glad that 30-06 is working out so well for you. If they offer a lefty BDL in 270 or maybe 7mm-08 that would be hard to say no to.
Those 1 in 8 twist 7mm RM's sure are nice.

Glad that 30-06 is working out so well for you. If they offer a lefty BDL in 270 or maybe 7mm-08 that would be hard to say no to.
I heard from a Remington rep that they wanted to start making their lefties at the end of this year or the beginning of next. I asked specifically about the BDLs.
After he passed, I kept my dads rifles for several years, then realized that them being locked up in a safe brought me no joy what so ever. He had a wide variety some of which he did not even shoot. As there were no hunters in the family (other than me) I started gifting them to friends (to some here) and sold a few. Those rifles are now bringing others joy and being used on a routine basis. A Marine got one, one of dear friends (for decades) has now killed several elk with one of my dads rifles, others have done the same. When I was hunting and packing elk last week I thought a lot about my dad, as he and I had walked on some of that very same ground together many , many moons ago. He is the one who introduced me to elk hunting (on his first trip) way back in the 50's. Once I started I never stopped , 60+ years is a lot of seasons, as I age I look back in wonderment at all I have seen and done, both as a hunter and wildland firefighter, it was a great ride. I made some mistakes that I wish I could correct, and dearly miss many who are no longer here. The 2024 elk draw process starts in a few weeks and I hope that I can pick up a tag or two for 2024.
Dads rifles set in the safe. Thats ok, I shoot them occasionally. I gave his shotguns to my cousin. I understand that he gets them out and pheasant hunts w/ them. That feels better to me. Looking for a great niece or nephew, to leave Dads 7 Mag with. Havent let go of it yet though. CL
A gorgeous rifle prompted by a happy memory, I can hardly think of a more worthy project. I have my Dad’s rifle, a Savage 99E in .308 that I have used a few times over the years. I’m more of a Winchester Model 70 .30-06 man myself.
After he passed, I kept my dads rifles for several years, then realized that them being locked up in a safe brought me no joy what so ever. He had a wide variety some of which he did not even shoot. As there were no hunters in the family (other than me) I started gifting them to friends (to some here) and sold a few. Those rifles are now bringing others joy and being used on a routine basis. A Marine got one, one of dear friends (for decades) has now killed several elk with one of my dads rifles, others have done the same. When I was hunting and packing elk last week I thought a lot about my dad, as he and I had walked on some of that very same ground together many , many moons ago. He is the one who introduced me to elk hunting (on his first trip) way back in the 50's. Once I started I never stopped , 60+ years is a lot of seasons, as I age I look back in wonderment at all I have seen and done, both as a hunter and wildland firefighter, it was a great ride. I made some mistakes that I wish I could correct, and dearly miss many who are no longer here. The 2024 elk draw process starts in a few weeks and I hope that I can pick up a tag or two for 2024.
Good story buddy!

I hope you get a few tags as well. Plus, I hope I have a couple laying on the ground before you get there! That might've worked darned good as nearly as good as killing an elk on the road :p