I'm just back from a family vacation where we had a 300# (est) black bear walk by our cabin in the Smokies as I cooked some killer rib-eyes. Very good primer for my Maine bear hunt, 6 weeks, hence. I had a messge, when I returned that someone was wanting my Encore, which would then allow me to buy the SS Whelen I've been wanting. All is finished and I just need to await the Whelen's arrival in Ky to complete my plans!
This will be my 5th Whelen and likely my last (3 have been sold). I have a Zeiss 2.5-8x32 waiting to go on top. Life is good :mrgreen: I reckon that a Whelen may well make the long drive to Maine now..... :wink:
This will be my 5th Whelen and likely my last (3 have been sold). I have a Zeiss 2.5-8x32 waiting to go on top. Life is good :mrgreen: I reckon that a Whelen may well make the long drive to Maine now..... :wink: