Deer Season


Sep 23, 2004
Deer Season opens this weekend in OR :grin:

I will be using a 300 Ultra Mag 200grain AccuBond
IMR 7828 , it may be overkill, but man that is a flat shooting round
Very safe at around 3100fps.

Because of the B.C. of the 200gr AccuBond (.588 published) I feel comfortable at 400yards.

Nearly 3000lbs of energy at 400yards and the drop is only 16inches at 400 if 0 at 200.
Wow, that is a lot of energy. I doubt you will ever recover a bullet out of any deer.

I'm using my 25-06 AI with 100 grain Partitions. Sighted in at 250 yards it never goes over 2" high and is onlt 11" inches low at 400 yards with 1400 pounds of energy. It's real pleasant to shoot and really does the job thanks to the excellent Partition. I'm hunting Black tails here on the coast.
Hired Gun-

On the coast, do you know the best unit for Elk over there... Without giving up any secret spots :grin:
Easily the Tioga Unit, either season is fine but with all the elk comes a lot of competition for them. At daylight it seemed like every hole and clearcut had at least 3-10 parties giving it heck. It got ugly up there last year. Disputed animals and conflicts with disabled hunters blasting away at the cows scaring the bulls out of the country. I won't be up there this year because I forgot to put in on time. I was building a new house and the date got away from me. I usually hunt with a bunch of disabled hunters and we definetly get to test a lot of bullets.

The Sixes Unit is rich with elk but is mostly private land.
I'll be using my trusty camo-painted dirty-06 with 150gr Partition handload with trusty ole IMR 4895. Hiding in the bushes in Rogue District looking for a nice blacktail. Good luck Mr. Nosler, where are you headed?
To the wonderful silvies unit. Thank God the air was brisk this morning. It smells like Fall
Heading out in a couple of hours. I think it'll be a good season. I've scouted a few decent bucks and good crop of young bucks. I'll be using my 270 Weatherby with 140 accubonds / norma brass / R19 and f215's. :wink: Hope everyone has a safe and successfull season. Best of luck to all. :grin:
My Southern Oregon Cascades blacktail. Taken Sunday morning at 8:43am. I hope you fellas fared as well!

Good response time! Taken in the AM, bragging about it on the internet in the PM. :grin: Congrats!

We will put that on our photo album webpage if that is okay with you Matt
Thanks, and by all means post the photo if you would like. Note, if you would like, that it was taken with a 150gr Partition .30-06 Handload.