Did Nosler kill the 100gr Ballistic Tip in .257?

wisconsinteacher":3o9romun said:
Very cool but I have to ask, your Wal-Mart has reloading supplies???? Wow the one near me has some 12 trap loads and a Mossberg shotgun.
Absolutely Bullets primers powder presses etc
That work-up was fast... Per recommendations from Divernhunter (y) and adhering to the 3200 velocity max on the box, QL and OBT chart calculated out 52gr of IMR4831 for 3150 fps at a safe PSI... Worked out pretty darn good. Five shots, 100 yards. Kicks a lot harder :shock: than my R25 load with 110gr Accubonds and is ~1" higher than the 'bonds POI.

I think I need to lower the trigger weight on this Xbolt.
