disposing of old unfired primers


Dec 22, 2008
I have a large quantity of old (unknown age) primers which were given to me years ago.

I am wondering what the safe method of disposing of these is. They are probably too old to be reliable, and many are sizes and styles I do not use.

How do I best get rid of them - I don't want to endanger my garbage man's safety by simply throwing them in the trash.
I would put them in a 2 liter bottle, then put lightweight oil up over them, let them soak a week or so, pour the oil off and dispose of them as you would scrapmetal.
Dig a post hole about 1 to 2 feet deep, put the primers in. Change the oil in your car. Pour the oil on top of the primers. (dont tell the EPA) fill the hole back up. plant grass on top.
You guys are funny! :lol: :lol: :lol:

I'm still using my Granddad's primers.
I have ammo that was loaded in the 30's and it still shoot fine.
Unless there was something about them that looked bad, or they were missfiring on me, I'd use them for my plinkling/break in loads.
Antelope_Sniper":ebuj15ip said:
I'm still using my Granddad's primers.
I have ammo that was loaded in the 30's and it still shoot fine.
Unless there was something about them that looked bad, or they were missfiring on me, I'd use them for my plinkling/break in loads.
I have shot doves with 20 year old shot gun shells and they performed as good as new ones. If they look OK and haven't been in excess heat or moisture they are probably OK.
Since you don't know what they are, I would dispose of them. If they are in the original boxes so you know if they are small rifle/pistol, regular/mag, large rifle/pistol then you could try them first in the correct cases. I still have some Hodgdon primers that are over 25yrs old and they still work fine, I use them for plinking/varmint loads and have not had a problem but they are still in the original boxes and I know what they are. With low pressure loads, thinking about the 22 Hornet here, I have used rifle and pistol primers. That may not be a good idea with loads that generate in the 50K+psi. Large pistol primers are suppose to be a different dimension in height than large rifle primers but not small rifle/pistol.Rick.
All of the primers I have are in original containers. Most are small pistol, some large pistol, some small rifle and a few large rifle (the only kind I use.)

If anyone in the forum wants them to play with - I'd be happy to do the "free to a good home" thing.

I'm not really willing to ship them UPS, as they are a somewhat hazardous item.

I live in West Michigan. If anyone in the area wants them - you can have them.