dominant eye


Jul 20, 2008
i am left eye dominant and do everything right handed. is it possible to change dominant eyes? all my rifles are right handed, i shoot a bow right handed, but i looked like a fool trying work a left handed action. is there something i can do to change this or just stick with whats working?
My wife is right handed and left eye dominant. She had some trouble shooting right handed before we found out she was left eye dominant. switched her to shooting left handed and she improved dramatically. It took some time and alot of practice to get her comfertable with it, but it has been worth it. She still likes shooting a right handed bolt gun better than a left handed one, she just shoots it left handed.
You can perhaps strengthen the inferior eye, but dominance is not going to be changed. It is far easier to learn to shoot using the dominant eye than it is to train oneself to be ambidextrous.
I'm left eye dominant. I shoot a rifle left handed and a bow right handed. When I shoot a bow I have to make sure my left eye is completely closed. I don't have to when shooting a rifle. Like was said before, you can't change it but you can work around it.
Im left eye dominant and shoot right handed. If I dont have a scope I cant hit the broad side of a barn. Unfortunately also, I am so right handed I can hardly hold the rifle left handed. Learn to shoot on your dominant side if possible. However it can be done the wrong way. For me it is the biggest issue when trying to shoot a shotgun. CL
i am left eye dominant and shoot right handed, shotgun, handgun and rifle. I had to learn to use my right eye, but over the years, I have learned just fine. In fact, the extra concentration is probably good for my shooting. But, I will admit that a lot of my shooting is more by what feels natural, and not dictated by my eye. I use both open sights and scopes. Bottom line, I learned to shoot before anyone told me that I should shoot left handed, and learned to shoot quite well.

The fastest (and cheapest) solution is to cover up the dominate eye with an eye patch.

I am a lefty that had his left hand tied to his belt loop so I could learn to write right handed also eat right handed okay for lots of years I ate with both hands :wink:
I was taught to shoot with both eyes open and in a pinch I can shoot both ways. I have experimented a number of times with the shot gun shooting right handed but feel most comfortable as a lefty.

I am right handed, caused by my Father, tried to be left handed. Shoot a rifle left handed, bow is completely left handed, shotgun completely right handed, pistol right handed using my left eye. I can take some shots right handed with my rifles and do practice that. All my bolt rifles are right handed, tried one lefty but quickly returned to right handed bolts. Tried the eye patch,didn't work for me. Learn to work around the dominance and you won't have a problem, sure as hell can't change it.Rick.
I have the same problem. Right hand left eye dominate. I cannot shoot left handed. All my rifles are scoped it doesnt seem to slow me down. Shotguns are a disaster untill i started trap shooting. A fellow trap shooter gave me these small 3/4 inch stickers that look like scotch tape. I put it on my left eyeglass lense. It sure looks cooler than a pirate eye patch. It helps when I bird hunt too.