dry neck lube

I use it all the time. The polystyrene balls can be recharged with any graphite when it is required. Great stuff. Alternatively, buy some graphite or motor mica and dip the case neck into the material. The application media simply helps hold down on the messiness of handling graphite.
Sounds like very interesting stuff, I will have to try some. It should be faster than a Q tip :lol:
I have used it and it works. It does get black graphite on the outside of the case neck and it gets a little messy

I prefer to use mica, when you wipe it off it doesn't leave black everywhere


question: do you guys normally wipe off the graphite/mica from the outside of the neck before sizing?
question: do you guys normally wipe off the graphite/mica from the outside of the neck before sizing?

No. However, I am careful not to permit the Imperial Sizing Wax mix with either the graphite or the motor mica. The sizing wax will spread as the brass is sized, so I only lube the bottom third of the case. I dip the neck into the dry lube only as far as the shoulder.
My dry lubing is for bullet seating and is done after sizing and as the last step in case prep. Don't need lube for a Lee Collet neck sizer and only use wet lube on the case body if sizing with the Redding Body Die.
Pardon my ignorance, but is the dry lube used in place of wet lube for neck sizing? It seems like a good idea as the wet stuff is quite messy.
Pardon my ignorance, but is the dry lube used in place of wet lube for neck sizing? It seems like a good idea as the wet stuff is quite messy.
I am with the eagle on this one. what is it we are doing with this stuff? Technology is again apparently leaving me behind. :grin: :grin:
I use the white mica dry lube for neck sizing. In fact, I use the exact same Forster dry lube container you see screwed into Woods' bench in his nice picture. I use a bit less mica than he does, but I think that's just preference, and with the mica there's no such thing as "over lubrication" when neck sizing. In fact, I might try more, as I've had a neck or two that was difficult to extract from the die.

I don't lube when seating bullets, as I'm concerned about neck tension, but if it works for those of you doing it, no worries.
I use the mica dry lube set up from Lyman when I am sizing up 223 to 6X45 using a mandrel. It works well for me. I have also used it for rounding out 25 WSSM case necks. They are so thick I waned all I could get to ease through them.

I have played with the idea of dumping a bunch of BB's in a pellet can lid and loading it up with Mica or Tungsten for a neck dip container. I bet it would do a good job in that venue.
