Eagles and Does

Guy Miner

Master Loader
Apr 6, 2006
Took a little five-hour hike in the Cascade Foothills today, started out at about 1,400' and ended up at 3,500' in the snow. Decided to turn around when I was post holing up to my knees with every step. Snowshoes would have been useful, but it was time to turn around anyway. Saw a lot of mule deer does and yearlings. Saw some golden eagles too. Coyotes made an appearance, but out of range of my .44 revolver. Drat! Flushed a tight-holding grouse, so close I could feel the air rush against my skin. I was hiking in an area I frequently hunt in the fall, it burned last summer. Looks like it's coming back nicely from the burn, although the trees will take a generation to come back. Heck of an afternoon.

Here's some photos:

Twenty minutes from the truck I came across the first five mule deer, next to a burned up tree:

Couldn't help but become a bird watcher today. Had a golden eagle making runs on something I couldn't quite see:

Large herd of does and yearling mule deer:

Snow line is up around 3,400' or so on the north facing slopes:

Immature/young golden eagle. He came by several times to check on me. No other boot tracks, so it's likely been a while since anyone was in there:

Turn-Around mountain. Well, I decided to turn around here anyway. Kind of wanted to make it to the peak again today, but plunging knee-deep in snow with every step convinced me I was a few weeks too early. Guess I should have brought the snowshoes this time:

This doe and I caught sight of each other about the same time. If you look closely, you can see her yearling fawn's face between the branches of the fire-killed tree:

A little fuzzy, sorry 'bout that. Two young mule deer touching noses. Then the one that's standing lay down. It was pretty neat, but I was shaking a little and couldn't get a good photo:

Walked all five hours, three up, two down. Took a few breaks for photos and to look around with my binos. Another good half-day hike in the foothills. I like taking hikes in my local hunting areas year round. Keeps me sharp on locating game, and helps keep me in shape. My quads were shaking bad by the time I got down to the truck this afternoon. I'd cut off the trail on a steep descent on the way back - and it was tough!

Regards, Guy

That looks like a great adventure. Thanks for sharing the pictures.

Looks like beuatiful country. How come ya never see deer like that with big hat racks and a tag in your pocket? Or maybe you do....? Nice hike thanks for posting. CL
Having access to the mountains is simply good medicine for the soul. Thanks for posting some inspiring photos.
Great pictures guy, it looked like an enjoyable day. I have not really been in the woods yet to muddy still and lots of rain here. Turkeys are going wild tho. Went by the Dalles dam yesterday and they were running 6 spillways. Lots of water moving with the warmer temps and all of the rain.
Nice pics. I am thinking they may not all be does but some bucks that have shed their antlers?
Thank you, I needed that! Glorious days in the mountains prepare us for our final reward. I hope they have elk in heaven!
Way to stay in shape, keeping the eyes sharp as well. That is some good looking territory. Reminds me somewhat of Colorado areas I have ventured into hunt. Great Pics.

Yote Smoker - there's likely some young bucks in a few of those herds, still with the girls. Most of the older/bigger bucks don't hang out with the ladies long, just during the rut, then they're off to the good ol' bachelor life again.

Not a bad life until eaten by a cougar or shot... :grin: