Elk and cotton mouth?


Jan 17, 2006
When ever I get close to screaming elk I get a huge adrenalin rush and my mouth goes completely dry. Its a very odd sensation and I thought it was just me but the other day a freind was telling an elk story and he said he got cotton mouth when the elk were near. Has anyone else had that happen?
I don't get dry mouth when I see them cause I already have it from going up and down all the hills. Being at sea level for the past 17 years makes it a little harder to breathe in the higher altitudes, regardless of how good of shape you are in.
My heart starts to thump, it feels like I can't get enough air, my glasses fog up, my arms and hands tremble, my knees get weak, I can hear the blood rushing in my ears, my hands tingle... but no, I don't get cottonmouth!


OK Guys, since I work in the medical profession and have learned this physioilogical reaction many years ago in college, I'll give a brief explanation as to what's happening in your bodies:
Your brain is a very powerful computer that communicates with your body faster than one can imagine.
Your ears hear the elk and your brain reacts. Your adrenal glands which sit on top of your kidneys get a message from your brain to secrete more adrenalin to accomodate your fight/flight response already in its starting phase. The adrenalin is dumped into the blood stream, reaches the heart and that starts beating faster and your BP goes up. Other systems in your body begin to shut down to make ready for your fight or flight. Your visual accuity and muscle strength are peaked as are your hearing and reflexes. Your repiratory rate increases and your salivary glands are in shut down mode. Now you're breathing faster in and out of your mouth to compensate for the oxygen demand from the faster heart rate and whallah- dry or cotton mouth! Suck on a small pebble or hard candy and it will return to normal.
Don't 'ya just love that buck/elk fever???!!!!! Wouldn't be hunting without it!

Pray for more adrenalin to push your muscles into overdrive!!!! :grin:
Pray for a couple of friends to be with you when you make the kill!!! :p