Elk hunting in Idaho - Tex Creek Units 66,69


May 4, 2011
Does anyone have any idea where the elk are hiding in the Tex Creek area here in Idaho?

I have a cow tag burning a hole in my pocket and a .30-06 sighted in, just itching to throw a 165 grain Nosler Partition into an elk to get us some meat for the winter!!!

Also as a side note my father-in-law is 73 years old this year and has never killed an elk. Would love to get him into something as well.

Thanks -

The hunters will push them off of the easy ground. They will head east into the breaks of the south fork and behind private land. The area north of Brockman Guard Station can be good if you get away from the main roads. There is some good ground along the west side of Palisades Resv, which is also somewhat remote. WATCH OUT FOR RAIN, YOU CANNOT TRAVEL THE DIRT ROADS DURING RAINSTORMS.
Thanks Bill. Going to give it a try. We are supposed to get snow in the next couple of days I've heard. Hoping I can go out again Thursday.

I've been hunting up Fall Creek (near Ririe) most recently, good elk country but just no elk in there it seems.
Good luck Dale, I sure hope that you get a crack or two at a couple of nice cows they are just plain good eating (y).
Looking forward to a future story with some photos :wink: .
