Fed up with would be gun grabbing politicians


Nov 23, 2013
Today I finally took the step and mailed a check to the NRA for Endowment Lifetime Membership.
It was a New Years present to myself.. I have to overlook the annoyance of the continual solicitations from the NRA, and accept the fact that they are working for us law biding gun loving citizens. I hope that others who are able will consider joining the NRA at whatever level you can afford if you are not already a member. Best Regards, Rol
I took advantage of a promotion a couple of years back and became a Life Member of the NRA. The people with whom I spoke were astonished. Guess there aren't all that many from Canada that join. However, what happens in the States does have an impact on us here in Canada. When the US catches a cold, Canada gets a fever.
I agree , they can be a pain in the neck sometimes wanting money . there are only a couple groups like the NRA that stand between the whitehouse and our gun safe . without these groups , I'm afraid the safe would be empty . I sure hope we get a gun loving president this next election .
Way to go Rol_P. Been thinking of that myself, but have joined other groups instead. Kind of like voting more than once to belong to four or five gun rights organizations.

Outside of the NRA I believe the Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership (JPFO) is the best gun rights organization out there. I am Catholic and a member of JPFO so you don't have to be Jewish to join. They get it, and why not given Jewish history. Check them out here:http://jpfo.org/
I have been a life+ member for a while now. While I do not agree with some of their stances, I fully support the cause...
Outstanding Rol.

I'm a Life member - and send 'em some money every now and again.

Despite the presence of several pro-gun groups, I believe that the NRA is the strongest defender of our Second Amendment rights.

Congrats Rol.
I too am a new endowment member. They have a deal going on right now that as a life member I could upgrade to endowment for $200.
Since I got a deal on my life membership I figured I'd jump on this one too.
They are the best chance at preserving our Second Amendment rights. All legal gun owners should be members.


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