Feeding frenzy.


Dec 11, 2010
Went to sportsman's Warehouse early this morning and although they open at 9, I was there at 8:30 and there wee well ove 100 people there already. When the doors opened, it was a mad rush to the reloading section and the first ones there were scooping up every bit of power regardless of what it was. Never saw anything like it before. It was just like a shark feeding frenzy. :shock: In less than two minutes every bit of powder and primers were gone as was most of the bullets.
One big fat old lady was pushing people aside to get there first and you had to know damn well she wasn't a reloader. Some of our local stores put limits on how much you can buy but I guess Sportsman's Whorehouse just cares that they sell it all and legitimate reloader can take a hike.
I just wanted some Re22 as the lastest Nosler manual says that one gives very high velocity with the 180 gr. Accubonds I bought the other day. I probably can come close in my .300 Win. Mag. with my supply of WMR but I was also wanting to see if my 30-06 would be as fast using Re22. For some reason, WMR works just fine in the .270 Win. and .280 Rem. but when it comes to the 30-06, it's a total loser unless you're shooting 200 or 220 gr. bullets and even then it's not very spectacular. :(
It was just totally crazy out there this morning.
Paul B.
Hey Paul were you at least able to pick up some RL22 or did you get bit :shock:
I am just kidding it is not that crazy here as there is some powder but none of the popular ones.
We still have not seen any Nosler bullets this year :evil:
I guess all we can do is wait.

I'm rather surprised that there weren't limits on amounts purchased. I would think that such action would remain firmly fixed in my mind for some time to come.
I can not wait for June 1st. We get ours here!

Come on 22 LR Gods!
The big fat lady is probably gouging the stuff that she bought on GunBroker as we speak. People like that are too low for my scorn even! Besides it is wasted on them, human detritus!
I went into my local store last week. 1 other customer there.
I picked up a pound of RL 22 and they had plenty of powder there.
Maybe I am just lucky.
Good thing Joel wasn't there. ;0

It depends on what part of the country you are living in JD, they don't leave anything down here. Store gets it you might want to be there early. That must have been a real experience for PJ :shock:
Panic buyers have really pissed me off this time around. I have supplies to last for some time, but I don't like the idea going through my head that maybe I shouldn't burn my stash so to speak. Plus the prices will stay high like last time. The world has turned upside down when you can't find 22lr. I will never have less then 1000k in supplies for each rifle again. I don't understand why people need cases of primers? Do you realize how many pounds of powder you would need to burn through a case of large rifle primers. I'll tell you 43+/- if you load 270win at 60grs. 30lbs+/- for 308win. Then you need 5k in bullets also. and assuming you get 10 reloads a case you need 500 pieces of brass...Ok,ok I'm off my soap box...

Yeah, the .22 thing has me irritated too. Thankfully I had a fair bit of it on hand when everything went nuts, and I've been able to scrounge some more too. Can't be real picky about what kind of .22's right now. Those things are the mainstay of my shooting, and have been for years.

I wonder what price the scalpers are going to want once things shake out and .22's start showing up in quantity on the shelves again? Delicate game... A guy could have bought tens of thousands of .22's at inflated prices, hoping to make a killing later as prices rise even higher, then get stuck with them, or take a loss.

Prices will come back down. From what I've heard & read, the factories are cranking out .22's at max capacity, but they're being bought up faster than most of us can contemplate. A local gun shop owner tells me that he's actually had MORE .22 ammo delivered to his shop this year than last, but that every brick gets sold as soon as it's on the shelf.

Maybe it's time to get a good air rifle & air pistol and about 20,000 pellets. I can have a LOT of fun with a good air rifle and a mess of pellets and tell these scalpers to go XXXXXX.

Also helps that I have a few 8# jugs of rifle & pistol powders on hand, thousands of primers and thousands of bullets. I've been well stocked for several years and intend on staying that way so I can continue shooting my favorite loads & guns through the NEXT shortage.

Seriously guys - WHEN the time comes that your favorite components are avail in quantity - buy a pile of 'em, not just 100 or 200. Get a thousand bullets or more. Buy your powder in 8# containers. Primers by the thousand or more. Cases by 100 or more. You'll be set for a long time.

JD338":16x37gql said:
Good thing Joel wasn't there. ;0


I'm coming the end of April so you better have everything bought up that you need :p !! I have orders from a bunch of the F-class shooters at the club and need a few items for myself.
I just ordered small pistol primers and an 8lb jug of 231 thats due in mid april from midsouth. I paid 26.95 per thousand plus shipping and hazmat. I purchased 5000 as I load for multiple calibers. Total for primers came to roughly 154.00. At last weekends show small pistol were going for 200.00 per thousand so the rip off is still going on.
Sorry guys, hit the wrong key. That should have been 200.00 for 5000. Still considerably over regular price. It does look like components are going to start showing up shortly.
257 Ackley":t77dqkzi said:
JD338":t77dqkzi said:
Good thing Joel wasn't there. ;0


I'm coming the end of April so you better have everything bought up that you need :p !! I have orders from a bunch of the F-class shooters at the club and need a few items for myself.

Man, I love when you come to town! Don't forget the RL15! HA!
RL19 and RL22 are in about every shop around here(jackson, MS). most of our stores have at least one kind of every size primer. last week I was in shreveport, la. the bass pro over there had quite a bit of powder and no primers at all. I loaded up on longshot for the new range officer. they had lots of imr4064, bl-c(2), H380, and a few others. imr4350 has been impossible to find.
Here we have no primers but I still see RL19, RL22, lots of IMR4350 but no H4350. Some H380 and a few other pistol powders.
I would be willing to buy some IMR4350 to swap with H4350 if anybody is interested.