First Coyote of the Season


Range Officer
Staff member
Nov 4, 2004
Shot my first coyote of the season this year,
I set up at my favorite spot late this afternoon with my FoxPro caller. I used the Gray Fox Pup Distress and called in this mature female. She came in to the call at a stop and go walk. She turned broadside 28 yds from the call giving me a shot at about 70 yds. I had her in the cross hairs of the Nikon 5.5x16.5 on my M700 VLS 22-250 and sent a 55 gr BT charged with 36.0 grs RL 15 on its way. I hit her too far back but she dropped at the shot, struggled for a few seconds and then dropped for good.

Here is the entrance wound-

I'm disappointed in the shot placement but may have an explanation for this, I had the barreled action out of the stock today and repaired the front stud that had pulled out of the stock. I used some J-B Weld 2 part epoxy to fill the hole, which was in the middle of the pressure point. I used some tape to cover the hole but it pushed its way up above the pressure point. Although I used my thumb nail to push it back down, I think I may have slightly altered the pressure point. I will check the zero and adjust it if necessary.

Always good to get out. Coyotes are a worthy opponent for the hunter.
Way to go JD. It may have not been pretty but hey the end result was the desired result.

I had a great beginning to the season taking 10 Coyotes. However since the first of the year I have come up empty handed.

Everyone and their brother has been chasing Coyotes around here on Snowmobiles making it darn near impossible to call anything.

Good going on the Coyote.


Congrats on the Yote !

Is there such a thing as poor shot placement on a coyote ? Looks like you got rid of all your snow too ??
Thanks fellas.
You are right, dead is dead. I don't save hides so I really don't care how big the hole is, so long as there is a hole and a dead coyote.

Okay JD,

Come clean, I know where you live and there aint no snow underneath that dog.. Is your favorite spot now in Tx?? :lol:

Yepper, a dead coyote fer sure. Way to go...

nodak7mm":253uw4kp said:
Okay JD,

Come clean, I know where you live and there aint no snow underneath that dog.. Is your favorite spot now in Tx?? :lol:

Yepper, a dead coyote fer sure. Way to go...



Behind my house. :wink:
90% of the snow is gone.

I gotta couple of fresh 5' drifts in the yard, need some.. Gotta laugh at the comparison. 1st yr I was in Rockford it snowed 55" tween xmas and New Yrs and thought I was gonna get buried. But it melted each day dang near. Here in Nodak we get 10 inches a month if we're lucky and I be danged, it simply dont melt till April...

Regardless, way to go on the dog..
