First Loads with 130 AB in 270 Win


Sep 17, 2013
Believe it or not, I have never previously loaded 130 gr. BT or AB bullets in my 270 Win. I have always loaded 140 gr. or 150 gr. bullets. This winter I shot a decent group with some factory 130 gr. AB. See viewtopic.php?f=8&t=41688

I recently worked out a load for 130 gr. E-tips. See viewtopic.php?f=4&t=41800

So I decided to try some 130 gr. AB bullets and worked out a bullet trade with beerbucksducks.

Below are my first two targets using the 130 gr. AB bullets.

This load is with 61 gr. of RL-26. (lower bullseye)

Nosler 130 AB - RL26-1.jpg

This load is with 62 gr. of RL-26.

Nosler 130 AB - RL26-2.jpg

I am very happy with results considering that:

1. I was using new brass
2. I had 10 mph shifting winds first from the right and then from the left.

Now, I will have to try to find some more 130 gr. AB bullets. :wink:

That load will definitely hunt. It'll only get better as you refine the components (i.e. partial FL sized brass, etc.).

Both those loads look good. Adjusting seating depth should walk those bullets into a tighter group.

Looks like you have a solid load there. RL-26 really shines as my powder for 130 grain E-Tips. There are some really great powders for 270 Win out there if one was able to get them before our current drought. IMR-4831, Staball 6.5, RL-23, and RL-26 have been most accurate for me in the same velocity range(3100+) for 130 grain loads.

130 grain Balistic Tips consistently go into a half inch with Staball 6.5 if you have any on hand. 56 grains stokes them to 3128 fps with very low SD’s from my rifle. IMR-4831 works just as well at 58 grain charge weight.
Joe I am seeing some good results with RL23 in my 270 as well. Would love to get my hands on some RL26 whenever I can find it reasonably priced.
I use 61.5 grains of 26 with the Tipped Bear Claw for 3150 and man does it shoot well for me.
SJB358":2rq25z5n said:
I use 61.5 grains of 26 with the Tipped Bear Claw for 3150 and man does it shoot well for me.
Pretty much the same load for me. 61 grains RL-26 gives me 3150 fps on the button, and half MOA groups as well with 130 grain E-Tips from my 270 Win and 24” bbl.
JD338":3i9p87hq said:

Both those loads look good. Adjusting seating depth should walk those bullets into a tighter group.

>>> bingo, seating depth will do it !