First Shot Center of each group


Feb 5, 2005
This was exciting but I am curious how this can work. The first shot of each group went right into
the center of the bullseye, but the rest were not anything special. I let the barrel cool between groups just long
enough to walk the 100 yards and back.



You may have to resize your pictures. I see the first one. The rest, however, are off the page. The situation you describe, and from the limited information available from the first picture, would indicate that it is likely random distribution of the shots.
I see 2 different targets, how many were there supposed to be? Have you checked to see if everything is tight in the scope/mounts? I had something like that happen years ago and what it turned out to be was a loose scope screw. When I laid my rifle on it's side to go look at targets the scope would get pushed back to it's original position. First shot bullseye rest spread out, go look at target shoot again bullseye rest spread out ect...

Just something to recheck if you have not done so.

I get as small .25 to .4" groups with a different bullet/ powder combination (nosler BT's,reloder 17).

This was just using up old bullets for practice.
clearwater":2b7f1as8 said:
I get as small .25 to .4" groups with a different bullet/ powder combination (nosler BT's,reloder 17).

This was just using up old bullets for practice.

Is the bullseye always your first shot?
Were you cleaning between groups? Whilst one cannot rule out a random occurrence, it may be that the rifle begins to walk after fouling (or if that can be ruled out) or after beginning to heat up.
Try firing a 3-4 shot group but wait 10-15 minutes between shots to allow the barrel to fully cool. If they all hit bulls eye or close to then I'm thinking heat is your issue and something is touching.

That should tell us something even if it's that you have good patients.

Hate to say it, but the sample size is too small. As odd as it seems, that really likely is just random chance.
Absolutely too small a sample for statistical comparison. Degrees of freedom in small sample size will give you meaningless statistics. AzDak42 is correct. Square of variances for too few samples will not shown true mean location or correct standard deviation number. Besides which we can not judge how well you can shoot based on this sample. You are doing great, just too few shots to mean much.