First Turkeys!


Jun 2, 2011
So I took my Wife and youngest daughter out for their first turkey hunt! Opening morning yielded a couple of close calls but no shots. That evening we snuck into a great spot and set up our hen decoy. I called in two separate groups of birds and my Wife, and then my daughter each tagged out!

My Wife made a 25 yard shot on her bird as they paused/held up on us. My Daughter showed the patience of a seasoned hunter as her bird approached from a bad angle and walked past us at mere feet to get to the decoy. Another great shot and her first bird was down. I am so proud of both of them! It was one of my most cherished experiences in the field.

Here are their pics. Good luck to all of you chasing turkeys!

Nice work SS.
Congratulations to the ladies!

Congrates !!! I can imagine they both were sore from the smiles.
My wife and I took a ride up the Clearwater and dropped down to Dent Bridge on Dworshak Reservoir. Turkeys all over the place. The toms were all strutting. We stopped and watched the turkeys a few times.
It was a nice day for a ride.
Congrats! I'm hopefully planning on a trip next spring to try and get me a merriam. I love the way they look! Have had a great season this year in Mississippi with two gobblers down. I plan to start my quest for a grand slam next spring. Beautiful birds man!

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Congratulations to all. They are beautiful birds. I love the smiles on the ladies' faces. The smiles tell the whole story. What a great family experience.
Thanks guys, I love the look of the merriams too. Here in Utah we have merriams and rios. I think completing the slam would be really cool! So far I have shot the rio and merriams. One thing is for sure, when you call in a nice bird you cant wipe the smile of your face for quite a while!
Great hunting, it looks like all involved had a great time. Congratulations to all!!!
Turkey hunting is a complete rush! There's nothing like having one strut and gobble from a ways off and come into your gun barrel. Gives new meaning to the word excitement

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