? for Nosler... 200BT vs 210PT for 338WM


May 17, 2005
I shot 200 BT last year in my 338. I chrono'ed the load at 2950. I shot 2 deer
with them and was puzzled by there performance. 1st one dressed about 200lbs was shot a 60 yards 1/4ing toward me 2nd shot was at 30 yards running at me 3rd shot was 15 ft . running under my treestand. all shots were from the same side. Somehow it ended up with a 3" dia hole on the entrance side right behind the shoulder no exit . Everything from the heart back was tore up .The last shot went just to the side of the backbone and exited between the front legs just behind the heart . That hole penciled and I didn't even find it until I skinned the deer. 1st shot connected This deer traveled 300 yds ( by gps) from first shot . 2nd deer dressed about 125lbs was shot tight behind the shoulder just above the heart from about 100 yards . It ran about 90 yds. had blood at the hit but found very little after that . exit was about dime size if that . I have shot a few deer with a .308 cal 180 partion @ just over 3000fps and on broadside lung shots it always leaves a 50 cent size exit. Would a 210 Partion work better in my 338 for whitetails? Thanks KH
It sounds like a 338-210gr Partition would be more inline with the performance your looking for. However you may consider a 338-225gr AccuBond also, it should make a fine load for your 338 Win Mag.
210 PT at about 3000 fps. Nice Medicine for everything!
The 210 gr PT from my 338 RUM at 3200 fps is a sledge hammer!


I have used 200bt in.338 win mag on 1 whitetail buck weight was 206lb at about 125 yards. Entrance hole was pencil size exit was 2in buck dropped on spot and never moved. :shock:
I have shot 2 mule deer with my 338-06 using the 200 gr BT @ 2800 fps muzzle velocity. One was at ~100 yards and the other was at ~250. Both were broadside shots through the ribs . Both had a silver dollar sized entry and an exit only slightly larger.

These 338 diameter BTs are not varmint bullets! LoL ;)
.264winmag":1p5of853 said:
I have used 200bt in.338 win mag on 1 whitetail buck weight was 206lb at about 125 yards. Entrance hole was pencil size exit was 2in buck dropped on spot and never moved. :shock:

Do not know velocity did not have chrony at that time load was 80 gr. reloader 22 fed.215mag.primers.Gun was ruger ss .
Looking at my journal, I've taken 3 antelope (125, 200, 275yds), 5 mule deer (125, 150, 150, 200, 250yds), and 2 whitetail (15, 200yds) with the 338 Winchester magnum and 210 grain Partitions. What I've learned is that the 210 grain partitions work beautifully on deer sized game when no major bone is encountered (broadside through the ribs). There's a .338 hole going in and a 1 inch hole going out with little bloodshot meat around the holes. When major bone is encounter though the results can be devasting. I've had one entrance wound on a whitetail quartering mostly straight away at 200 yards that made an entrance hole I could put both my fists together though the back leg/hip area. I've also Texas heart shot the one whitetail at 15 yards running away that completely split the sternum in half opening up the entire chest cavity. Good round and great bullet. As always you must put it where it counts in order to be effective.