165gr Core-Lokt vs Hog


Jul 10, 2024
This is a recovered 165gr Core-lokt from a factory load shot from a 15" barreled Encore pistol in 30-06. This was one of the few animals I've shot in the last couple decades with a factory load. I ended up grabbing a box because the person I bought this barrel from said it was a consistent 3/4" load at 100 yards, which I confirmed.

I no longer hunt the property where I shot this hog, but was fortunate enough to hunt it off and on for 20 years and my dad literally taught me how to deer hunt there. The property is in McClellanville and the owner just recently sold it to the national forest. Anyways, this was about 10 years ago and I was hunting one of the best stands on the property. A single large chocolate colored hog popped out at 90 yards. I put the cross hairs on his shoulder and fired. The large boar hardly reacted and only took a couple steps forward and looked around. Instead of thinking if I missed or not, I reloaded and placed the next shot into his neck, dropping him.

The first shot hit where I was aiming but the bullet exploded on his large shoulder and shield. The bullet was in a million tiny pieces, not reaching his vitals. The second shot in his neck severed his spine and the bullet, pictured, was found under his skin on the other side. Weight retention was 60%. The hog weighed 212 lbs and was some very good eating. Took a long time to skin it and get it in a cooler by myself though!


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This post should go under the heading of "when things dont go like they plan..." and be referenced any time some one says my BT blew up etc.... My point is, sometimes weird things happen to bullets inside stuff, no matter who makes 'em. Good on you for trusting your first shot and following up with the second. I thought those feral hogs werent supposed to be very tastey?

PS- you can say "he should have used an accu-bond..."? I saw boxes of them in the store today. I cant afford them... BT's and core lokts will have to do.CL
I think nearly any bullet can have a bad day, but the premium bullets like Partitions, Accubonds etc just do it a lot less often. That being said, that was a pretty tough test for a bullet. A big hog shoulder and its shield, which was over an inch thick, is tough stuff! I've heard so many people say they won't eat a big hog over a certain weight, especially a boar. My personal experience, with dozens of hogs, including this big boy were all delicious. Maybe it helped that I processed all of them myself so I knew they were handled quickly and correctly. Every one has been absolutely delicious from the 50 lb sows to the 200+ lb boars.
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The bullet was definitely put to a test. Good that you didn't pause to admire your shot. this is a great reminder that things don't always go as planned. And whether we consciously do so or not, we need to have a plan "B." Usually, that means being mentally prepared for a follow-up shot.
Interesting. My only experience with the 165grCL has been on whitetail deer and it didn't appear to expand a whole lot. Range was about 250yds using a 30-06 and don't recall the load at present. Granted that deer was nowhere as tough as the hog you shot just a comparison of how bullets react sometimes.
Honestly I was surprised the bullet came apart like that since I'm sure the muzzle velocity wasn't over 2500 fps out of that short barrel. It definitely hit a lot more resistance than your deer though. I wonder what the impact velocity was for your deer at 250 yards? I have a friend and all he'll hunt with is factory Core-Lokts out of his 308. He swears by them.
CL said, "PS- you can say "he should have used an accu-bond..."? I saw boxes of them in the store today. I cant afford them... BT's and core lokts will have to do.CL"

They may be a bit on the pricey side but I can state without doubt that a 165 gr. 30 cal. AccuBond at 2800 FPS MV will put a cow elk on the ground very nicely. I never found an exit and the bullet was never recovered. I think it was in the mess that was one her left lung.
Paul B.
I've also loaded 165gr Accubonds in a 30-06 with a similar velocity for a friend. He put down two large hogs with two shots in about 3 seconds. My go to load in my 30-06 Encore pistol is the 150gr AB or PT.
CL said, "PS- you can say "he should have used an accu-bond..."? I saw boxes of them in the store today. I cant afford them... BT's and core lokts will have to do.CL"

They may be a bit on the pricey side but I can state without doubt that a 165 gr. 30 cal. AccuBond at 2800 FPS MV will put a cow elk on the ground very nicely. I never found an exit and the bullet was never recovered. I think it was in the mess that was one her left lung.
Paul B.
You all know my feelings on the 165 AccuBond and the .30-06! They go together like biscuits and gravy. I don’t know if a more perfect combination exists!
You all know my feelings on the 165 AccuBond and the .30-06! They go together like biscuits and gravy. I don’t know if a more perfect combination exists!
Please understand I wasnt questioning the efficacy of the AccuBond. From all I've heard here they work, (and I happen to like biscuits and gravy). Just grousing they were a bit pricey I guess. My 250 Savage will never drive them fast enough to make them worth the investment IMHO. Use and enjoy as applicable. CL
for the hogs/pigs i've shot they were with fmj's. 1 shot with m193's. i don't hunt, but do eradicate as many of those as i can. shot a few with m80 also w/o issue, drt. been killing as many as i can for 45 years.
Please understand I wasnt questioning the efficacy of the AccuBond. From all I've heard here they work, (and I happen to like biscuits and gravy). Just grousing they were a bit pricey I guess. My 250 Savage will never drive them fast enough to make them worth the investment IMHO. Use and enjoy as applicable. CL
No worries CL. We are good.
I've also loaded 165gr Accubonds in a 30-06 with a similar velocity for a friend. He put down two large hogs with two shots in about 3 seconds. My go to load in my 30-06 Encore pistol is the 150gr AB or PT.
I grabbed a box of 165 Accubonds from Bass Pro the other day for my .308, I've always used the ELD 178's and the 150,165,and 168 Ballistic Tips, I need to give this bullet a try soon. I should be able to put it in the 2800 fps zone with Varget.