Forster Press and Die


Apr 16, 2007
I have had a real tough time with my co-ax press and .300 RUM dies with new remington brass. Basically, they are extremely tight. After running about 100 pieces of brass, I stuck a piece and broke the holding jaws.

Forster replaced the jaws, charged me $11.95 for the stuck brass and shipping, and opened the dies about 3 thousandths. BTW, I use RCBS lube, which is what they recommend. They don't like the sprays.

Anyone else have problems with either remington brass or with a forster full body die? I have not used that brass before, and have 5 other forster dies that are really good.

I would like to hear your advice on the tight brass as well.
Last week I sized up some new Win. and Rem. brass in 7mm Mag,30-30 and 30-06. The 7mm and 30-30 done fine,But the Rem. 30-06 cases were hard to size up. I'M using RCBSdies and I don't know if it is my dies or the Rem. cases. I felt like some of the cases were going to get stuck. After reading the trouble that you had,I feel like it might be the Rem. cases.

I use the Co-Ax press with various dies and have loaded 300Rum on mine without a problem. I use Imperial Die wax and have never had a stuck case with it.Rick.
rick smith":10ch63rc said:
I use the Co-Ax press with various dies and have loaded 300Rum on mine without a problem. I use Imperial Die wax and have never had a stuck case with it.Rick.

My experiance exactly except I don`t load the 300.
Forster FL sizers have the expander button at the top of the stem. Be sure it is properly adjusted and isn`t in the neck area of the case when the case is fully in the die. The RCBS lube has worked fairly well for me in the distant past but, Imperial is a better lube IMHO and what I have used for some time now.

I don't load the 300 RUM, but I do load about eight different cartridges on the Co-Ax press. I also use Imperial Sizing Wax; it works great for me. I have used Hornady One Shot, and had no problems with it either. It sounds as if the lube didn't work all that well for you. I do feel confident with the Imperial Wax, however.

I have used a Co-Ax for the past 30yrs with out such an issue. I gotta case stuck once in a friends rockchucker a long time ago, and it boiled down to skimpy lubing.

I have used most case lubes and am currently using the Hornady One Shot, which I really like the convenience of using. I use it to load STW cases without issue. I have in the past, used a qtip in the necks too but the one shot spray gets it in the necks..

2 frequent causes of stuck cases are #1- Not enough lube and #2- Dirty cases into dirty dies....

My guess is that the brass is quite tight, and i likely did not lube it well enough. Funny, I have loaded thousands of cartridges, and this is the first one that stuck.

Forster opened up their die 3 thousandths, but also were concerned about he brass itself.
hardpan ........

I designed the Belted Magnum Collet Resizing Die, and in the process I had to test every resizing lube made. Nothing beats Imperial Sizing Die Wax. In fact, nothing else even comes close - especially spray lubricants. If you switch you'll never go back to using anything else.

Visit our website for more reloading tech Tips.

- Innovative
I have loaded thousands of cartridges, and this is the first one that stuck.

There is always a first time. Welcome to membership in this grand old club.
I just received one of your collets not that long ago. Your site is a wealth of information and your product is really good. You deserve a major shout out!

I am pretty disgusted with the overall service at Forster. Great product, but I ended paying for shipping, unsticking the die, and lost a spring just now when I put the damn thing back together. But, the spring is not listed anymore for sale on their site, so i get to call them again tomorrow. My disgust is partially targeted at me, and partially targeted at their slow response and their not having the part to order. This is becoming a month long solution and my RBCS is looking a lot better to me all the time.

thanks for listening to recreational whining, and I promise not to do it again for at least a week!
Hardpan ......

I've met the folks at Forster, and they really are good people. I'm sure they'll do whatever they can to help you out. Glad you enjoy our website. I've got a whole lot more technical articles to add - as time allows.

- Innovative Technologies