Frankfurt tumbler bowl cleaning


Jan 6, 2011
I have a Frankford Tumbler (blue bowl) that I use to clean my brass as well as occassionally tumble bullets that have become tarnished. I use corn cobb media with Isso polish. I use Imperial sizing wax on my cases when sizing and tumble immediately after. Last week I tried to tumble some old tarnished bullets and they came out with black sticky tar like substance on them. So I dumped my corn cobb media and saw that the bottom of the tumbler bowl was covered with this substance. I tried soaking in water to soften it but that did no good. I tried brillo pads and scrubbing no good. I eventually had to take a sort of small putty knife and scrape it out and it wasnt easy.

Have any of you experienced this before and do you have a solution to better clean of even prevent this buildup?
I use the same tumbler. Actually, I have one for wet moly coating bullets and another for cleaning cases. I assume the build-up in yours is sizing wax? I don't use that, so I don't know much about it. I have used RCBS sizing lube and I wipe the case off with a rag after sizing, but for the most part I neck size only with a Lee Collet die and don't use any lube. The tumblers are cheap enough to have two, but it doesn't sound like you tumble bullets that often.
I rarely tumble bullets but it is a nice option to have when they are tarnished. Since no one else seems to have had this problem, I guess the scrape option is what I will have to go with.
I have observed this in my Lyman tumblers. It was not a serious problem since it had no effect on brass. Eventually, the dark residue is reduced. However, I've switched almost exclusively to using stainless steel pins in a Thumbler Tumbler, after trying ultrasonic baths. I rarely use my Lyman tumblers any longer.
Sorry Jim, I have no direct experience here. Closest I have heard of is a black greasy buildup on stainless steel pins and brass when wet tumbling; solution is to typically add some Simple Green, Purple Power or some other cleaner / degreaser when wet tumbling.

An example of what I've read is ... k.3939560/ and others do attribute it to the Imperial Sizing wax building up and collecting debris.
I've found this black "concretion" on my Lyman Turbo and I can only assume its a combination of sizing wax, tarnish that's been rubbed off and gunk from inside the brass...It's very hard, but remove the tub from the tumbler and soak it in a 50-50 mix of hot water and white vinegar and, after a while, it will break loose. An overnight soak and it will dissolve...Note of caution, use a bucket or something, I did it in the kitchen sink and the black gunk stained the sink, and I was quite a while ferociously scrubbing before the misses got home.
Thanks - will give it a try! I knew somebody would have experienced this and have a solution!
Dr. Mike has got it down right. I use the same process and find that one tablespoon of Dawn, One tablespoon of Lemishine and the stainless pins do a fantastic Job.