...fresh snow...

DrMike":3kjmn41x said:
SJB358":3kjmn41x said:
Very nice pictures David. Looks like a nice campsite to me buddy!

Yeah, but lugging that wheel for a fire ring and the grate all that distance must have been tiring. :shock: :mrgreen:

Now that's funny! I never thought that it might appear as such but hey Doc you have a great imagination!! :mrgreen:

So, you saying you cheated and drove these accoutrements up to the mountain side, David? :?
Ah, the light dawns. Now you've restored my faith in humanity--and in yourself, David. :grin:

I'm just having you on. Looks to have been a good hunt. Love the mountains and love every opportunity to get out there.
Nice campsite David. I need to get out into the hills a little more myself.

NICE,, I am lucky in that I frequently working similar country. Dawn is the best part of every day!
The snow looks fantastic. Elk hunting Colorado in roughly a month. Snow on the ground is a godsend when hunting but out west you have to be careful what you wish for. (how about 13 inches in 4 hours.)
...yeah, lots of early snow is a mixed blessing, there are only 2 roads that actually get up into my elk units, and a few drifts can close both of them for the season...