Fun Guns!


Nov 25, 2013
While we impatiently wait for spring and warmer weather to get out and hunt again, or just to do some shooting or testing of new loads for our rifles...or new rifles...

Thinking back on the fun that I have had with various firearms over the past 40+ years of shooting...

Which firearm has to be tops on your list of fun guns?

As a kid, it was the Winchester Model 69A that a family friend gave my grandpa to teach us to shoot and hunt with.
Since then it is a toss up between my old Marlin 375S in 375 Win and my Browning BLR in 358 Win. And I am quite enjoying the Remington 1100 Sporting 28!
I love my Marlin 1894 44 Rem Mag not only for hunting but for shooting and plinking. I've shot it on steel gongs out to 300 yards.


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in the 1940's ---way before most, if not all here were around, I was enjoying the Stevens 22/410 Combination. Possibly the next one that I had almost as much fun with was the Win 94 30/30, but if your talking about the rifle that has "hunted" the most, it would be the 300 H & H. The first two mentioned my son has and the H & H now belongs to my daughter, as my hunting days are now over.
JD338":3esioapt said:
I love my Marlin 1894 44 Rem Mag not only for hunting but for shooting and plinking. I've shot it on steel gongs out to 300 yards.
Had one, too and still want to kick my ... that I sold it!
Had an octagon barrel and was real gun.
Sold it when I started hunting, because it is not legal for hunting here.
Did I mention that I want to kick myself??
I'd have to say my Marlin .22 bolt action rifle. It still shoots awesome and I spent a lot of my formative years putting a bunch of rounds through it. It's on its third or fourth firing pin, I'd hate to know how many rounds have went down that barrel.

I gave it to my nephew after my Dad passed, but for pure smiles, that one is hard for me to top.

I had a Remington 870 in .410 that was just smile inducing for anyone who ever shot it and a couple of 10/22s that were pretty fun as well.
A CZ 22 I have is flat fun and accurate too.
Believe it or not many a groundhog and other varmint around the farm fell to the old 788 in 6mm Rem. Pretty much shot everything with that rifle for 6 or 7 years.