- Nov 19, 2010
- 341
- 1
I posted this story on so I appologize if some of you are seeing this for a second time. Just figured those of you who arent on that site would like to see the pics and read the story without me having to type the story twice. So I hope you enjoy it!
I got off work a little early today and flew home and changed clothes and out to the property we hunt. Dad took the day off and had already been out there most of the day. This morning he turned in a road hunter that pulled over and shot across the road at a buck in our land without permission. The deer was less than 100 yards from my dad's truck and the guy was shooting towards the truck. Never heard if the authorities caught them. Dad drove down and pulled up to them and said, "you know its stupid as hell to shoot across the road" and all the guy said was "whatever" and drove off. Dad couldnt get his license plate number cuz it was covered in snow but a few hours later, the stupid idiots drove by again and his front plate was clean so Dad wrote it down and called it in.
Anyways, I got out to the land we hunt around 4 and talked with my Dad to see what his plan was. He was going to hunt the area he was parked by and I decided to go on the other side of the property. Nothin was showin up and I met up with my Dad again around 4:45 and he was goin home. So I went back to my truck and drove to his area. I sat there for a few minutes when I saw a doe and fawn come out. I was about to shoot the doe when she spooked and ran back in the patch of trees. So I took off walking to head them off. I got behind a bush and just waited. After standing there for 5 mins or so, the fawn came running out in front of me about 125 yards. A minute or two later the doe came out and just as I was about to shoot, I caught movement to my right. All I saw was dark tines sprinting across the hay meadow so I led him(not enough) and shot. He hit the ground and skid to a stop but was trying to get up. In all honesty, i made a horrible shot and just about took off his back legs. But he couldnt get up so I put a quick shot into his neck and ended it for him.
I had no idea how many points, how wide, how tall, etc. he was. Once he laid still, my first thought was that there is still 9 days of the season left and I hope I didnt screw up. But there was no ground shrinkage and I was pleasantly surprised when I started counting points. He is a solid 6x7 or a 7x7 if you count the sticker off his right base. He had a huge body. Not sure what live weight was but it was heavy. Also, I was blown away by the size of his hooves. They were seriously close to the size of a cow elk hoof. So here are the pics.
Where he skid to a stop
I got off work a little early today and flew home and changed clothes and out to the property we hunt. Dad took the day off and had already been out there most of the day. This morning he turned in a road hunter that pulled over and shot across the road at a buck in our land without permission. The deer was less than 100 yards from my dad's truck and the guy was shooting towards the truck. Never heard if the authorities caught them. Dad drove down and pulled up to them and said, "you know its stupid as hell to shoot across the road" and all the guy said was "whatever" and drove off. Dad couldnt get his license plate number cuz it was covered in snow but a few hours later, the stupid idiots drove by again and his front plate was clean so Dad wrote it down and called it in.
Anyways, I got out to the land we hunt around 4 and talked with my Dad to see what his plan was. He was going to hunt the area he was parked by and I decided to go on the other side of the property. Nothin was showin up and I met up with my Dad again around 4:45 and he was goin home. So I went back to my truck and drove to his area. I sat there for a few minutes when I saw a doe and fawn come out. I was about to shoot the doe when she spooked and ran back in the patch of trees. So I took off walking to head them off. I got behind a bush and just waited. After standing there for 5 mins or so, the fawn came running out in front of me about 125 yards. A minute or two later the doe came out and just as I was about to shoot, I caught movement to my right. All I saw was dark tines sprinting across the hay meadow so I led him(not enough) and shot. He hit the ground and skid to a stop but was trying to get up. In all honesty, i made a horrible shot and just about took off his back legs. But he couldnt get up so I put a quick shot into his neck and ended it for him.
I had no idea how many points, how wide, how tall, etc. he was. Once he laid still, my first thought was that there is still 9 days of the season left and I hope I didnt screw up. But there was no ground shrinkage and I was pleasantly surprised when I started counting points. He is a solid 6x7 or a 7x7 if you count the sticker off his right base. He had a huge body. Not sure what live weight was but it was heavy. Also, I was blown away by the size of his hooves. They were seriously close to the size of a cow elk hoof. So here are the pics.
Where he skid to a stop