Good Start for 2012


Sep 28, 2010
Well, the 2012 SC season is underway. My son (who's 9 now) has already put two does in the freezer. He seems to be handling the .260 very well. He shot his first at 200 yds, and the second at 155 yds. Both deer were taken on Wednesdays, however, yesterday he chose trick-or-treating over the deer stand :lol: . I'm continually impressed with the 120 gr BT's in the .260.
Excellent! That's pretty doggone impressive for a nine year old.

Thanks for starting him with something mild like the .260, I see too many beginning hunters saddled with some big, heavy, hard-kicking magnum rifle... No need on deer.

The BT's are GREAT deer bullets, in any caliber!

Congrats to both of you. Guy
Congratulations to both of you. Your son has done very well. That little 260 is a great round and he obviously is handling it quite well.
Congrats! Better get him a bit of a challenge. Would hate to have him think that this hunting stuff is that easy all the time. Sounds like he has the shooting part down pretty well.

I've recently been getting my head turned towards a 260 of some sort. Reports like this only make it worse. Keep up the good work.
Great work, that little 260 sounds like it is doing great work for the boy! Congrats.