Got A little lucky!


Range Officer
Staff member
Oct 30, 2004
While window shopping on Widener's . com I found some 17 cal 20 gr z-maxes and some 40 gr V maxes for my 17 Hornet and 220 swift & 5.7x28mm.

Got lucky I guess.~! :p
I am loving it. Went out to the range with my friend George. JD338 knows him and we all hunted goats this past season. Anyway I sighted in my Savage 25 at 50 yards and then proceeded to bust 6 clays and their aftermath for 50 rounds straight at 200 yards. loving it. All this with factory ammo mind you. :shock:
George JD and my Boy!

Not really just got this. Man I am pissed

Please allow 14-24 days to process and ship out your order.
Thank you, Wideners.

Well, that's a drag but hang in there Fotis. When do the prairie dogs start showing their mugs? Surely not before March 1st!

Look at it this way---at least you aren't in Vegas!
Same here Fotis, been waiting a few weeks on my LNL AP... Everything seems to be taking forever.
It appears that it doesn't matter if something's in stock or not it's taking just about the same amount of time.
All the merchants are SWAMPED with orders! Berry's website says they're stacked up for six to eight months, IIRC.