Got early Christmas present...."new" scale, need


Sep 10, 2006
Well I may eventually join the ranks of the honest reloaders soon. A buddy from the gun club gave me a used scale. I have no idea what kind it is but since its green I assume either a Redding or an RCBS. It does say "model 325". Can anybody tell me anything about this scale and is there a way to check accuracy etc? I have a Lee "C" type press, also used. Am thinking about a neck sizing die as Dad has a full length RCBS he's been using to reload for me. I know I need some more stuff, but I also need a good manual that has instructions for the process. Ive watched/ helped Dad do it for years but I still feel like a 12 year old waiting for him to tell me what to do next. I need a good step by step process. Thanks, I feel like such a "newbie" :oops: CL

Get a copy of the just released Nosler RG #6. All reloading guides have a step by step instruction set on how to reload. This will make everything clear for you.
Then if you have any questions, just ask all your buddys here. :grin:

You can buy RCBS check weights to check the scale and to balance it before use. I use check weights each time I use my scale, may or may not have to balance it. Would guess your scale is a Redding since the RCBS scales have used 5-0-5, 5-10 and 10-10 nomenclature for years.Rick.