Granpa brings 5 wk old his first gun.


Jun 27, 2009
So my dad finally caught a break in the action at work and came down to meet his latest grandson. He came bearing gifts, a beautiful little 6mm rem in model 788 rem. Of course we had to shoot it, and with factory 100 gr fed blue box 3" groups was the best we could get.with 75 gr seirra' hp varminters i loaded up brought it down to 1 1/2" groups . we noticed a pressure point on the stock, and scince granpas go to yote gun also happens to be a 788 in 6 mm rem we switched out stocks, low and behold under 1" with the hand loads and about 1 1/2 with the factory bullets. Since it is showing some promise granpa took it back to finalise the deal with his buddy. ya just gotta love baby gifts that aren't diapers and
Nice, what a score! Now that is a gift that keeps on giving! Congrats to you.. Great Dad..
Great toy man.

Very accurate rifle with the fastest lock time.
Cool, hopefully the little guy will be shooting well by summer 8)
Now that is a thoughtful baby gift! Congratulations on having a grandad with some foresight! :mrgreen:
What a great gift!

The 788 can be extremely accurate... A few years back a young officer with an old 788 suitably customized showed up at our SWAT sniper school, and took 1st place! That was against some very expensive machinery, imported and domestic...
Thanks for the input guys! This rifle is in much more pristine shape then my dads ol iron (LOL) The stock is a very nice american black walnut, with a little dremmel work and an acraglass bedding job I'm sure it'll be a shooter. The bluing on the bolt of my dads rifle is pretty much wore off the bluing on this new to him rifle has very little bluing wore off, just by the looks of it I would say it was a safe queen. By the time he is old enough to shoot it I am hoping his older sisters will have it nicley broke in for him. All the shooting was done with a bit of a breeze, and a tasco scope that came with the rifle, so looks like he got 2 gifts a rifle and a fish bonker.
Congrats on the son/grandson! Dont wear the "gift" out before hes big enough to hold it! When we were young we turned up our noses at my uncles 788 in 243. Little did we know....! CL

Congratulations on the birth of your new son. He has been given a classic rifle and all of you will be sharing in many stories in the years to come.
The 788 6mm is a very cool rifle. Post some pictures.

I shoulda took a few pics while it was here, My dad wanted to see how it shot before actually handing over the cash, he is buying it from a guy he works with. He figurerd he better have it sitting there when they make the final deal, as if he left it here 4 hrs away and not have it transferred over to his name yet the guy may take offence. Hopefully our fed gov. get off there kiesters and finally get this Long Gun Registry abolished as it makes alot more work when doing these horse trade deals.
Just read a report that the government hopes to have the long gun registry history by mid month, it's making it's way through Parliament. There is a lot of pressure from the Liberals, NDP and province of Quebec to make changes along with the usual outlandish claims with the media giving "fair and unbiased reports" :roll: hopefully they don't cave in with some changes.
Mmmmmmm. Firearms registry, coming to a state near you!

Contests on the birth of your son... my oldest son, who is now 4, has a .243... that I shoot all the time. But he knows it's "his rifle" and tells me so every time he sees it come out of the safe. He also has seen it kill a couple of coyotes... so he knows what its supposed to do. Each time I have it out in the field I dream of days when he'll be packing it, only a couple more years to go...
Way to go Grandpa! Now that's Gramps power!! :lol: Very nice of him to do that. A great little rifle in a dare I say GREAT caliber!! :wink: :lol:

When my son Jeff was 1 1/2 years old I "gave" him my old Remington single-shot .22. When it was Jeremiah's 1st birthday, I "gave" him a Ruana knife with his name engraved on it! ( I hunted shed antlers to trade to the Ruana shop for the knife.) You have to start them young. :p
