Great work on the book, and a question......


Dec 11, 2007
Howdy! The book is exceptional! The most useful reference material I have. Quick question- why have you not offered any WSM, or WSSM calibers in loaded ammo, or more importantly- BRASS?? I understand about manufacturing capacity and such, but you are currently offering some very specialized (ok, nearly obscure) calibers. I'm sure they all have a following, but surely the short mags are in the top 20?? I would buy a BUNCH, as would many of my friends. thanks guys! :cry:
May be patents? Nosler may have to pay to produce yet and with start-up costs don`t want to add to the price.
Just me thinkin`................. :wink:
Ol` Joe":3pfkitzb said:
May be patents? Nosler may have to pay to produce yet and with start-up costs don`t want to add to the price.
Just me thinkin`................. :wink:

Good point Ol' Joe!
If I'm not mistaken, the gun writer, Rick Jamison is getting paid royalties on the WSM case.

The WSM, and WSSm's are not bad rnds, but the only one I had was a 25 WSSM and it jammed if you didn't really hammer the bolt back and forth fast. I sold it to a friend(who had known about it) and it jammed on his son during a hunt. The ballistics were great, juast a hair better than 25-06 and a nice low recoil gun, very light too @ 5.5lbs. Does anybody know how to remedy that awful jamming problem with the model 70 super shadow. if the mag rails(lips) were modified to hold the rnd in a more controled manner perhaps??
It does make sense that there is some kind of hang up with producing the calibers,
I had noticed they are nearly identical to the rounds Mr. Jamison featured in 'Shooting Times' years back. If thats the case, more power to him, they are a great design. I've got a crisp new $20 for him if he'll cut Nosler a deal! :wink:

JT- I am afraid most of the rifles i've heard of in the WSSMs are tough to feed, you could have a gunsmith work on the throat bevel (i think thats what its called) that may help a bit. My model 70 featherweight 243 WSSM healed itself from the problem after about 200 rounds, before that i was just careful running the bolt. My Cooper in the same caliber is a single shot- no problem there, BOOM! dead gopher.
Our 270, 300 and 325 WSM ammunition is now (or will be very shortly) available from Midway USA. The demand for the ammunition supplied with our custom guns was too high to sell to everyone until now so you will see that ammo on the 2008 price sheet! :grin:

As far as custom brass is concerned, we are booked out on new cartridges through this next year. Once we meet the demand for the cases we are producing now we'll be looking at new cartridges to add to the line, so maybe 09...we'll all cross our fingers.