Grey Tipped Ballistic Tips

I had and shot some gray tipped 95gr BT in the last 243 Win I had, and they grouped well. Even killed a deer or two. Dan.
According to a guy at the 6.8 Western Facebook group Winchester isn't going to coat the BST anymore with the black coating. Looks like they just might have the gray tip from now on.
That's interesting Gerry. I had not heard that.

Agree, I'm running the 168 BT/ABLR in my 308.
Both shoot sub .5 MOA and drop deer in their tracks.

That's interesting Gerry. I had not heard that.

Time will tell but he apparently talked to Winchester personally and that's what they said. Some guys have used some recently manufactured 170 gr Ballistic Silver Tip 6.8 Western factory loads that came with no coating.